Tag: Yasin Abul-Huda

  • 07-12-2016 | Yasin Abul-Huda: Combustion Effects of a Pulsed Detonation Issuing into the Wake of a Reacting Jet in Supersonic Cross Flow

    Title: Combustion Effects of a Pulsed Detonation Issuing into the Wake of a Reacting Jet in Supersonic Cross Flow Speaker: Yasin Abul-Huda, NIA Visitor Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Time: 10:00am Location: NIA, Room 101 Abstract: The constrained and dynamic environment present in supersonic combustors poses a number of issues which include cold start/ignition, mixing, flame stabilization, and complete combustion. To help circumvent some of these challenges, we explore aconfiguration which utilizes a pulsed detonation (PD) as a delivery mechanism of high-temperature and radical rich post-detonation products. Specifically, we investigate the fluid mechanic and combustion mechanisms controlling the interaction of ahydrogen- oxygen pulsed detonation (PD) staged downstream of a transverse hydrogen jet in supersonic crossflow (JISCF). A Mach 2.35 high-enthalpy crossflow with primary jet-to-crossflow momentum flux ratios ranging between values of 0.5, 2.7, and5.0 were used to span a range of jet flame stabilization regimes. The temporal evolution of the PD blowdown process and its interaction with the primary jet was studied using high-speed schlieren and OH* chemiluminescence imaging, while OH planarlaser-induced fluorescence was used to image the instantaneous reaction zone. The PD was found to alter the combustion progress of the primary jet through a Damköhler number effect. In addition, the high momentum flux PD plume altered the fluid dynamic structure of the JISCF; thus increasing the flow residence time and dispersing it throughout the flow field. Bio: Yasin Abul-Huda is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Michigan’s Aerospace Engineering Department. He completed his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at Rutgers University in 2012. He is a National Defense Science and Engineering (NDSEG) Fellow and Rackham Merit Fellow (RMF).