Tag: Rômulo Bessi Freitas
12-15-2022 | Rômulo Bessi Freitas: WENO Schemes and Application to Steady-State Hypersonic Flow Solutions | Kamil Dylewicz: WENO Scheme Implementation for Eigenvalue Problems in Linear Stability Analysis
WENO Schemes and Application to Steady-State Hypersonic Flow Solutions Speaker: Rômulo Bessi Freitas, Professor, Celso Suckow da Fonseca Federal Center for Technological Education – CEFET/RJ, Brazil Date: Thursday, December 15, 2022 Time: 3:00pm Location: NIA, Room 101C POC: Pedro Paredes, NIA, Pedro.paredes@nianet.org Abstract Non-essential oscillation (ENO) schemes allow for the high-order solution of hypersonic numerical…