Tag: NIA CFD Seminar
Protected: Seminar 2016-01 Alireza Mazaheri: High-Order Residual-Distribution Schemes for Discontinuous Problems on Irregular Triangular Grids
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Protected: Seminar 2016-02 Alireza Mazaheri: Hyperbolic Method for Dispersive PDEs: Same High-Order of Accuracy for Solution, Gradient, and Hessian
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Protected: 03-24-2016 | Xiangmin Jiao: Robust Adaptive High-Order Geometric and Numerical Methods Based on Weighted Least Squares
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Protected: 03-23-2016 | Ke Shi: Superconvergent HDG Methods on General Polyhedral/Polygonal Meshes
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Protected: 03-08-2016 | James Chen: A Kinetic Description of Morphing Continuum Theory and its Applications
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Protected: 10-06-2014 | Tomohiro Irie: Recent Applications of Overset Mesh Technology in SC/Tetra
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Protected: 08-27-2014 | Graeme Kennedy: Structural and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aircraft with Next-Generation Lightweight Materials
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Protected: 08-26-2014 | Hiroaki Nishikawa: First-, Second-, and Third-Order Hyperbolic Navier-Strokes Solver
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Protected: 08-04-2014 | Seongim Choi: High-/Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Analysis and MDO with Uncertainty Quantification
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Protected: 07-17-2014 | Nicolas Gauger: Efficient Techniques for Optimal Active Flow Control
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