Tag: Mujeeb Malik
08-05-2019 | Philip Hall: 118th NIA CFD Seminar: Distributed Vortex-Wave Interaction Arrays and Turbulent Shear Flows
118th NIA CFD Seminar: Distributed Vortex-Wave Interaction Arrays and Turbulent Shear Flows Speaker: Philip Hall, NIA Visitor Date: Monday, August 5, 2019 Time: 11:00am Location: NIA, Room 137 Host: Mujeeb Malik, NASA/LaRC Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: High Reynolds number descriptions of nonlinear exact coherent structures in shear flows are discussed using a combination of asymptotic and numerical methods. Such…