Tag: Machine Learning
08-15-2019 | Vishal Srivastava: 120th NIA CFD Seminar: Developing Data-Augmented Turbulence Models using Field Inversion and Machine Learning
120th NIA CFD Seminar: Developing Data-Augmented Turbulence Models using Field Inversion and Machine Learning Date: Thursday, August 15, 2019 Time: 11:00 a.m. – noon (EDT) Room: NIA, Rm 137 Speaker: Vishal Srivastava Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/fe54023273ef446084620d8a1a25ea5821 Speakers Bio: Vishal Srivastava received his B. Tech degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and is currently a Ph.D.…
03-19-2019 | Jon Holland: Integrated Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Network Training
110th NIA CFD Seminar: Integrated Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Network Training Speaker: Jon Holland, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland – College Park Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Time: 11am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: A new approach is presented towards the end of developing data-augmented models. The goal is to…
[2016-08] August 16-18 Workshop | Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains
NASA LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER: CDT – BIG DATA ANALYTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE TEAM HOSTING Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains Workshop August 16-18, 2016Pearl Young and Reid 1Morning session: 9 AM – NoonAfternoon session: 1 PM – 4 PM Learn and stay abreast of state-of-the-art technologies and their applications —…
12-02-2016 | Perry van Wesel: Challenges in the Verification of Machine Learning Algorithms
Topic: “Challenges in the Verification of Machine Learning Algorithms” Speaker: Perry van Wesel, NIA Visitor Date: Friday, December 2, 2016 Location: NASA, Building 1220, Room 27 Time: 1:00pm Host: A. Goodloe, NASA/LaRC Abstract: Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being applied to a wide array of domains from search engines to autonomous vehicles. These algorithms, however, are notoriously complex and…
[2016-08] August 16-18 Workshop | Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains – Speaker Bios and Abstracts
Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains Workshop – Speaker Bios and Abstracts NASA Langley Machine Learning Workshop 2016 Confirmed Speakers’ Bio’s and Abstracts Atkins | Carbonell | Codella | Duraisamy | Kumar | Lee | Long | Mavris | O’Reilly | Poczos | Pokutta | Rajan | Scheutz |…