Tag: Libraries
02-15-2019 | Paolo Masci: Graphics Library for Rapid Prototyping
Title: Formal Methods Seminar: A Graphics Library for Rapid Prototyping Interactive Cockpit Displays Speaker: Paolo Masci, Senior Research Scientist, NIA When: Friday, February 15, 2019 Time: 10:30AM Location: NASA/LaRC, B1230-R264A Contact: Cesar Munoz, NASA/LaRC Abstract: This talk introduces a preliminary version of an open-source framework for rapid prototyping and analysis of interactive cockpit displays. A library of widgets is provided that…
04-20-2018 | Giles Dowek: A Proof Library Shared by Different Proof Systems
Title #2: “A Proof Library Shared by Different Proof Systems” Speaker #2: Gilles Dowek, Researcher, Inria & Professor, École normale de Paris-Saclay Date: Friday, April 20, 2018 Time: 2:30pm Location: NIA, Room 137 Abstract: Gilles will present a library of proofs in arithmetic, from the definition of natural numbers to Fermat’s little theorem, that can be…