Tag: Graeme Kennedy
06-20-2017 | Graeme Kennedy: A Robust and Flexible Coupling Framework for Aeroelastic Analysis and Optimization
Title: 88th NIA CFD Seminar: A Robust and Flexible Coupling Framework for Aeroelastic Analysis and Optimization Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Time: 11:00am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: Graeme Kennedy, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Tech Web link to view: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Play/1f07971be7bc495d9b0a6e099b5b71611d?catalog=fe540232-73ef-4460-8462-0d8a1a25ea58 Abstract: Novel aircraft configurations and advanced materials are enabling the use of slender, flexible wings and…
Protected: 08-27-2014 | Graeme Kennedy: Structural and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aircraft with Next-Generation Lightweight Materials
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