Tag: Featured Story
RELEASE 05-04-2017: NASA iTech Top 25 Semifinalists Announced
NASA iTech Top 25 Semifinalists Announced – NIA RELEASE: 2017-02 -Â May 4, 2017 Twenty-five of the most promising ideas submitted by innovators across the U.S. are moving forward as semifinalists in the most recent challenge issued through NASA’s iTech initiative. NASA iTech is a yearlong effort to find innovative ideas that address challenges that will…
National Institue of Aerospace and Hampton City Schools Partner Through NASA Science Grant
Courtesy: Hampton City Schools Office of Public Relations and Marketing ________________________________________________________________________ National Institute of Aerospace and Hampton City Schools Partner Through NASA Science Grant Hampton, Va (April 17, 2017) — The National Institute of Aerospace, NIA, was one of 27 organizations nationwide to receive funding through a K-12 cooperative agreement award from NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.…
RELEASE 02-23-2017: NASA Seeks Innovative Space Exploration Technology Ideas
NASA Seeks Innovative Space Exploration Technology Ideas February 23, 2017 Expanding on the success of the first NASA iTech Forum held last December, the second cycle of the NASA iTech initiative opens today with a call for white papers summarizing ideas that fill gaps in areas identified by NASA as having a critical impact on future…
RELEASE 12-08-2016: NASA iTech Forum Showcases Top Tech Solutions for Future Space Exploration Challenges
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DECEMBER 8, 2016 Timothy Allen National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, Va. 615-955-2859 timothy.allen@nianet.org NIA RELEASE: 2016-10 NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Technology Solutions for Future Space Exploration Challenges December 8, 2016, WASHINGTON– Innovators from across the U.S. recently traveled to NASA Headquarters in Washington to showcase their proposed solutions to solving…
RELEASE 12-09-2016: Universities Selected for NASA’s RASC-AL Special Edition: Mars Ice Challenge
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                December 9, 2016 Bianca Clark National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, Va. 757-325-6721 bianca.clark@nianet.org NIA RELEASE: 2016-09 Universities Selected for NASA’s RASC-AL Special Edition: Mars Ice Challenge Dec. 9, 2016, Hampton, Va — Based on a review of competitive proposals, NASA has selected eight universities to participate in the first Mars Ice…
RELEASE 11-21-2016: NASA iTech Finalists Invited to Washington to Present Future Space Exploration Technology Ideas
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 21, 2016 Timothy Allen National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, Va. 615-955-2859 timothy.allen@nianet.org NIA RELEASE: 2016-08 NASA iTech Finalists Invited to Washington to Present Future Space Exploration Technology Ideas Ten finalists who submitted some of the most promising ideas to fill critical technology challenges of future space exploration have been invited to…
RELEASE 11-02-2016: Top 25 NASA iTech Semi-Finalists Announced
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2016 Timothy Allen National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, Va. 615-955-2859 timothy.allen@nianet.org NIA RELEASE: 2016-07 Top 25 NASA iTech Semi-Finalists Announced Nov. 2, 2016, WASHINGTON — The National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) is pleased to announce semifinalists for NASA’s iTech initiative. NASA iTech is a yearlong effort to find innovative ideas…
NIA Liaison Professor and Langley Distinguished Professor Named Royal Aeronautical Society Fellows
Prof. Colin Britcher, Liaison Professor at Old Dominion University and Director of Graduate Programs at the National Institute of Aerospace, and Prof. Dimitri Mavris, NIA’s Langley Distinguished Professor at Georgia Tech, were recently elected as Fellows of the prestigious Royal Aeronautical Society. Dr. Britcher, who serves as the Associate Chair of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering…
02-24-2015 | Dimitri Mavris: ASDL’s Approach to the Design of the Next Generation of Advanced Concepts
ASDL’s APPROACH TO THE DESIGN OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF ADVANCED CONCEPTS Prof. Dimitri Mavris, Boeing chaired professor of Advanced Aerospace Systems Analysis in Georgia Tech’s School of Aerospace Engineering, Regents Professor, and Director of its Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory February, 24, 2015, 10:00 am, NASA Langley, Pearl Young Theatre, Bldg 2102 Presentation Charts (Download…
Hampton Economic Development Authority Provides Grant to Purchase Supercomputer
Dec. 17, 2013 – Hampton’s Economic Development Authority has approved a $200,000 grant to the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) to buy a high-speed computer cluster with almost 20 Tera-FLOPS of computing power. This computer cluster will be located in the new Hampton Research and Science Park and will provide an important economic development resource for…