Tag: David Del Rey Fernandez
04-11-2017 | David Del Rey Fernández: A Brief Introduction to Summation-By-Parts Methods and Their Various Flavors
Topic: 85th CFD Seminar: A Brief Introduction to Summation-By-Parts Methods and Their Various Flavors Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Time: 11:00am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: David Del Rey Fernández, Postdoctoral Fellow, NIA Webcast Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Play/0ce49de984ab40a29bf5a402adaa45691d Abstract: The concept of matrix difference operators having the summation-by-parts (SBP) property has its origin in the finite-difference (FD) community with the goal of…