Tag: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
08-13-2019 | Kaihua Ding: 119th NIA CFD Seminar: Solution Error Control Using Automated Mesh Interface Creation and Efficient Output-Based Adaptation Mechanics
Join us Monday, August 12, 2019, to hear Dr. Kaihua Ding speak about the importance of solution verification efficiency as well as new methods relevant to computational fluid dynamics.
08-05-2019 | Philip Hall: 118th NIA CFD Seminar: Distributed Vortex-Wave Interaction Arrays and Turbulent Shear Flows
118th NIA CFD Seminar: Distributed Vortex-Wave Interaction Arrays and Turbulent Shear Flows Speaker: Philip Hall, NIA Visitor Date: Monday, August 5, 2019 Time: 11:00am Location: NIA, Room 137 Host: Mujeeb Malik, NASA/LaRC Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: High Reynolds number descriptions of nonlinear exact coherent structures in shear flows are discussed using a combination of asymptotic and numerical methods. Such…
06-05-2019 | Ralf Rudnik: 116th NIA CFD Seminar: In-Tunnel Simulation of the HL-CRM in the LaRC 14 x 22 ft. Wind Tunnel – Part II: Model-in-Tunnel Simulation Using TAU-DRSM
06-05-2019 | Ralf Rudnik: 116th NIA CFD Seminar: In-Tunnel Simulation of the HL-CRM in the LaRC 14 x 22 ft. Wind Tunnel – Part II: Model-in-Tunnel Simulation Using TAU-DRSM Title: 116th NIA CFD Seminar: In-Tunnel Simulation of the HL-CRM in the LaRC 14 x 22 ft. Wind Tunnel – Part II: Model-in-Tunnel Simulation Using TAU-DRSM…
[2019-06] June 06 Short Course | Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation with Application to Turbulent Flows
Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation with Application to Turbulent Flows Instructor: Prof. Krzysztof Fidkowski (kfid@umich.edu), NIA Visiting Researcher, (University of Michigan) Date: Thursday, June 6, 2019Time: 10:00am – 2:30pmLocation: NIA, Room 101 Format: Slides and demonstrations in Octave How to join via computer/dial in: See information at the bottom of this page DescriptionAerodynamic analysis and design applications are increasingly relying on high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, which are becoming more complex as a result of advances in both hardware and algorithms. However, as simulations become more complex, so does the task of ensuring accuracy of theresults. For large, multidisciplinary problems, expert practitioners cannot reliably assess accuracy of a simulation through visual inspection alone, and best-practice meshing and verification guidelines may not apply to the analysis of novel configurations. This short course introduces output-based methods for addressing this situation by automating the process of estimating errors and improving fidelity, so that robustness of the CFD solution process can be vastly improved. Output-based methods rely on the solution of an auxiliary adjoint problem, which has already seen application to shape optimization and data assimilation. This course explores many uses of the adjoint solution for optimizing computations relevant to aerospace engineering, including steady-state mesh refinement, unstructured mesh optimization, adapting in space and time for unsteady simulations, and adapting both the mesh and approximation order in high-order methods. The course also covers the application of adaptive methods to chaotic and turbulent flows. OutlineThe short-course is divided into four modules: 1. Introduction to Output-Based Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation 2. Error Estimation and Adaptation for Unsteady Problems 3. Mesh Anisotropy and Optimization 4. Effect of Chaos and Turbulence on Error Estimation and Adaptation Several demonstration examples and codes will be presented to support the material in these modules. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet…
04-24-2019 | Johan Larsson: Grid-Adaptation for Large Eddy Simulations
112th NIA CFD Seminar: Grid-Adaptation for Large Eddy Simulations NOTE: Location has moved to Room 137. Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2019Time: 11am-noon (EDT)Room: NIA, Room 137 Speaker: Johan Larsson, Associate Professor, University of Maryland Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: While grid-adaptation has reached a certain level of maturity in several areas of CFD, the application to turbulence-resolving simulations (most notably,…
03-14-2019 | Ralf Rudnik: In-Tunnel CFD Simulation of the HL-CRM in the LaRC 14 x 22 ft Wind Tunnel – Part I: Empty Tunnel Simulation Approaches and Verification Using TAU-DRSM
Topic: 109th NIA CFD Seminar: In-Tunnel CFD Simulation of the HL-CRM in the LaRC 14 x 22 ft Wind Tunnel – Part I: Empty Tunnel Simulation Approaches and Verification Using TAU-DRSM Speaker: Ralf Rudnik, DLR’s Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology – Braunschweig & Visiting Researcher, NIA Date: Thursday, March 14, 2019 Time: 2pm-3pm (EST) Room:…
03-19-2019 | Jon Holland: Integrated Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Network Training
110th NIA CFD Seminar: Integrated Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Network Training Speaker: Jon Holland, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland – College Park Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Time: 11am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: A new approach is presented towards the end of developing data-augmented models. The goal is to…
04-11-2019 | Francesco Avallone: Numerical investigation of noise sources and noise mitigation strategies for Ultra High Bypass Ratio engines
111th NIA CFD Seminar: Numerical investigation of noise sources and noise mitigation strategies for Ultra High Bypass Ratio engines Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 Time: 11am-noon (EDT) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: Francesco Avallone Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: The development of Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) engines, to reduce both fuel consumption and noise pollution, is creating new…
Protected: Revolutions in Rotorcraft Design Optimization
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10-01-2018 | Tomohiro Irie: Overset Mesh and Related Technology in scFLOW
108th NIA CFD Seminar: Overset mesh and related technology in scFLOW Date: Monday, October 1, 2018 Time: 11am-noon (EDT) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: Tomohiro Irie Weblink: http://hiroakinishikawa.com/niacfds Abstract: scFLOW is a commercial CFD code developed by Software Cradle since 2016. I introduced the overset mesh technology of SC/Tetra at NIA seminar in 2014. scFLOW is a successor product of SC/Tetra. scFLOW…