Tag: Challenges and Competitions
06-20-2018 | NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions
NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions – NASA iTech has selected the top three teams from 10 finalists for their innovative energy projects and ideas. The 2018 NASA iTech Cycle II Energy is a collaborative effort between NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy and is the first NASA iTech competition to focus…
RELEASE 06-18-2018: NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions
NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions – NIA Release: 2018-04 – June 18, 2018 NASA iTech has selected the top three teams out of a group of 10 finalists for their innovative energy projects and ideas. 2018 NASA iTech Cycle II Energy is a collaborative effort between NASA and the U.S. Department (DOE)…
RELEASE 05-30-2018: Top 10 NASA iTech Energy Cycle Finalists Announced
Top 10 NASA iTech Energy Cycle Finalists Announced – NIA Release: 2018-03 – May 30, 2018 The NASA iTech Energy competition has selected the top 10 finalists to present their game-changing technologies at a forum next month in New York. The 2018 NASA iTech Cycle II Energy is a collaborative effort between NASA and the…
RELEASE 03-29-2018: NASA iTech Seeks Energy Ideas to Improve Life on Earth Enhance Space Exploration
NASA iTech Seeks Energy Ideas to Improve Life on Earth, Enhance Space Exploration - NIA Release: 2018-01 - March 29, 2018 NASA iTech and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) are collaborating on a unique iTech competition to identify transformational energy technologies that can improve energy generation, storage and distribution to the benefit…
02-05-2018 | NASA iTech Selects Top Three Teams in Innovation Competition
NASA iTech has selected the top three teams out of a group of 10 finalists for their innovative technology projects and ideas that may improve future deep space exploration and life on Earth. NASA iTech is a collaborative effort to find and foster innovative solutions that aim to solve problems on Earth, and also advance technologies…
RELEASE 12-15-2018: NASA and NIA Announce 2018 BIG Idea Challenge Finalists
NASA and NIA Announce 2018 BIG Idea Challenge Finalists – NIA Release: 2017-09 – December 15, 2017 NASA, in partnership with the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA), has whittled down to five finalist teams its selections for the final phase of the 2018 Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge. Teams were asked to develop concepts…
RELEASE 12-04-2018: NASA and NIA Announce Finalists in 2018 Mars Ice Challenge
NASA and NIA have selected the 10 university teams to participate in NASA’s 2nd RASC-AL Special Edition: Mars Ice Challenge. The finalists will design, build, and test prototype systems capable of extracting water from simulated Martian subsurface ice.
RELEASE 11-21-2017: NASA iTech Selects Top 25 Semifinalists in Innovation Competition
NASA iTech Selects Top 25 Semifinalists in Innovation Competition – NIA Release: 2017-07 - November 21, 2017 NASA iTech has selected 25 of the most promising ideas submitted by innovators across the U.S. as semifinalists in Cycle 3. NASA’s iTech is an initiative by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) to find innovative ideas that address…
RELEASE 07-24-2017: NASA Seeking BIG Ideas for Solar Power on Mars
July 24, 2017 NASA Seeking BIG Ideas for Solar Power on Mars Missions to the surface of distant planetary bodies require power — lots of power. Through the 2018 Breakthrough, Innovative, and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge, NASA is enlisting university students in its quest for efficient, reliable and cost-effective solar power systems that can operate…
RELEASE 06-01-2017: Top 10 2017 NASA iTech Finalists Announced
Top Ten 2017 NASA iTech Finalists Announced NIA RELEASE: 2017-03 – June 1, 2017 Innovators behind the top ten entries in NASA iTech’s latest call for ideas have been selected and invited to participate as finalists in the 2017 NASA iTech Forum. NASA iTech is a collaborative effort to find and foster innovative solutions that…