Tag: CDT and NIA Seminar Series
03-18-2014 | Donald Brown: The Transformative Power of Big Data
CDT and NIA Seminar Series: Big Data, Deep Analytics, and Machine Intelligence THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF BIG DATA Prof. Donald Brown, University of Virginia March 18, 2014, 10:00 am, NIA, Rm 137 Livestream Abstract: Massive data acquisition is transforming many areas of society and has the potential to transform many more. This presentation will describe…
05-22-2014 | Jay Liebowitz: Big Data, Analytics, and Intuition-Based Decision Making: The Triad
CDT and NIA Seminar Series: Big Data, Deep Analytics, and Machine Intelligence BIG DATA, ANALYTICS, AND INTUITION-BASED DECISION MAKING: THE TRIAD Prof. Jay Liebowitz, University of Maryland May 22, 2014, 10:00 am, NASA Langley, Bldg 1268A, Rm 2120 Hosts: Manjula Ambur (NASA) and Lise Schioler (NIA) Abstract: In today’s complex environment, decision makers are faced…