Tag: 2019 Seminars
03-19-2019 | Jon Holland: Integrated Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Network Training
110th NIA CFD Seminar: Integrated Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Network Training Speaker: Jon Holland, PhD Candidate, University of Maryland – College Park Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Time: 11am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: A new approach is presented towards the end of developing data-augmented models. The goal is to…
04-11-2019 | Francesco Avallone: Numerical investigation of noise sources and noise mitigation strategies for Ultra High Bypass Ratio engines
111th NIA CFD Seminar: Numerical investigation of noise sources and noise mitigation strategies for Ultra High Bypass Ratio engines Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 Time: 11am-noon (EDT) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: Francesco Avallone Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Catalog/Full/c40f721b665a4091b7d8bcb6a128fdbd21 Abstract: The development of Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) engines, to reduce both fuel consumption and noise pollution, is creating new…
02-20-2019 | Calum Williams: Grayscale-to-Color: Single Step Fabrication of Bespoke Multispectral Filter Arrays
Title: Grayscale-to-color: Single-step fabrication of bespoke multispectral filter arrays Speaker: Calum Williams (Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge) Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am, Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 Location: NASA LaRC, Bldg. 1200, Room 227 (Conference room) Abstract: Multispectral filter arrays (MSFAs) are thin-film optical filter mosaics integrated atop image sensor pixels that provide spatially resolved color information. The…
02-15-2019 | Paolo Masci: Graphics Library for Rapid Prototyping
Title: Formal Methods Seminar: A Graphics Library for Rapid Prototyping Interactive Cockpit Displays Speaker: Paolo Masci, Senior Research Scientist, NIA When: Friday, February 15, 2019 Time: 10:30AM Location: NASA/LaRC, B1230-R264A Contact: Cesar Munoz, NASA/LaRC Abstract: This talk introduces a preliminary version of an open-source framework for rapid prototyping and analysis of interactive cockpit displays. A library of widgets is provided that…