Tag: 2019 Key Activities

  • 2019 Key Activities

    2019 NIA Key Activities Week Ending Dec. 14, 2019 TEN FINALIST TEAMS SELECTED FOR 2020 RASC-AL SPECIAL EDITION: MOON TO MARS ICE & PROSPECTING CHALLENGE The 2020 RASC-AL Special Edition: Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge Steering Committee met on Dec. 12, 2019, to deliberate the merits of 21 university-submitted project plans for prototype…

  • NIA Senior Research Scientist Coordinates Response to Volcano Eruption in Kuril Islands

    NIA Scientist Coordinates Response to Volcano Eruption in Kuril Islands Image Credit: Dr. Igor Smolyar, NOAA/NODC The Raikoke volcano, located in the Kuril Islands, erupted on June 21st sending ash and SO2 up into the stratosphere. Through the NASA Disaster program, John Murray (NASA’s Langley Research Center) and Jean-Paul Vernier, Senior Research Scientist at the National…