Tag: 2016 Seminars
09-12-2016 | T. Daniel Crawford: The Molecular Sciences Software Institute
Title: The Molecular Sciences Software Institute Speaker: T. Daniel Crawford Date: September 12, 2016 Time: 2:30pm Location: NASA/LaRC, Pearl Young Welcomed by: Joe Morrison, NASA LaRC Doug Stanley, NIA Abstract: The Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) is a nexus for science, education, and cooperation serving the worldwide community of computational molecular scientists – a broad field including of biomolecular simulation, quantum chemistry,…
12-01-2016 | Camilo Rocha: Formal Specification and Reachability Analysis of ICAROUS Software Architecture
Title: Formal Specification and Reachability Analysis of ICAROUS Software Architecture Speaker: Camilo Rocha, NIA Visitor Date: Thursday, December 1, 2016 Time: 10:30am Location: NIA, Room 141 Host: C. Munoz, NASA/LaRC Abstract: ICAROUS is a software library that includes a collection of formally verified and configurable algorithms supporting the implementation of safe and autonomous unmanned aircraft applications…
12-02-2016 | Perry van Wesel: Challenges in the Verification of Machine Learning Algorithms
Topic: “Challenges in the Verification of Machine Learning Algorithms” Speaker: Perry van Wesel, NIA Visitor Date: Friday, December 2, 2016 Location: NASA, Building 1220, Room 27 Time: 1:00pm Host: A. Goodloe, NASA/LaRC Abstract: Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being applied to a wide array of domains from search engines to autonomous vehicles. These algorithms, however, are notoriously complex and…
12-13-2016 | Venkat Raman: Understanding the Role of Thermal Non-equilibrium in Scramjet Flows
Topic: 80th NIA CFD Seminar: Understanding the Role of Thermal Nonequilibrium in Scramjet Flows Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 Time: 11:00am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: Venkat Raman Web Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Play/d89f0e59799746d781080ef2b56cf9ee1d Bio: Venkat Raman received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University in 2003 in the department of chemical engineering. He was a NASA/Center for Turbulence Research Postdoctoral…
10-24-2016 | Miguel Herraez: Intralaminar Fracture Toughness Characterization: A Computational Micromechanics Perspective
Topic: Intralaminar Fracture Toughness Characterization: A Computational Micromechanics Perspective Speaker: Miguel Herraez, NIA Visitor Date: Monday, October 24, 2016 Location: NASA/LaRC, Bldg. 1148, Room 242 Time: 11:00am Host: Andrew Bergen, NASA/LaRC Abstract: This work is embedded in the multiscale strategy developed by IMDEA Materials Composites Group which pursues the prediction of the ply properties through computational…
10-28-2016 | Crashworthy Material Models in LS-Dyna to Predict Damage and Failure in the Simulation of Aircraft Seats
Title: Crashworthy Material Models in LS-Dyna to Predict Damage and Failure in the Simulation of Aircraft Seats Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Dirk Goetze, Stress Engineer bei Recaro Aircraft Seating, Germany Date: Friday, October 28, 2016 Location: NIA, Room 101 Time: 10:00am Abstract: Reduced lead times, hard weight targets, increasing cost pressure with a maximum of passenger comfort and…
10-17-2016 | Yi Liu: Implementation of Third-Order Edge-Based Scheme into FUN3D for Steady and Unsteady Flows, Part I: Third-order Inviscid and Second-order Hyperbolic Navier-Stokes Schemes
Title: Â 79th NIA CFD Seminar:Â Implementation of Third-Order Edge-Based Scheme into FUN3D for Steady and Unsteady Flows, Part I: Third-order Inviscid and Second-order Hyperbolic Navier-Stokes Schemes Date:Â Monday, October 17, 2016 Time:Â 11:00am-noon (EST) Room: NIA, Rm137 Speaker: Yi Liu Media Site Link: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Play/a5b45fe5c96342e899df58b33cafba8d1d Abstract:Â This talk is to present the implementation of third-order-inviscid implicit edge-based solvers for three-dimensional…
09-22-2016 | Richard Ahlfeld: Finite Element Updating
Title: Finite Element Updating Speaker: Richard Ahlfeld, PhD Candidate, Imperial College London Date: Thursday, September 22, 2016 Time: 3:15pm Location: NIA, Room 101 Abstract: Finite Element Model Updating is a technique, in which experimentally obtained system response data are used to improve the model’s predictive capability or quantify the structural damage. However, the underlying mathematical problem…
09-09-2016 | Ariane Alves Almeida: Automating Termination Proofs in PVS
Title: Formal Methods Seminar: “Automating Termination Proofs in PVS” Speaker: Ariane Alves Almeida, NIA visitor and PhD Candidate, University of Brasilia, Brazil Date: Friday, September 9, 2016 Time: 11:00am Location: NASA/LaRC, B1220, R110 Host: Cesar Munoz, NASA/LaRC Abstract: Each time a recursive function is specified in PVS, a decreasing measure over its arguments must be provided…
09-27-2016 | Juliette Pardue: Parallel Two-Dimensional Unstructured Anisotropic Delaunay Mesh Generation of Complex Domains for Aerospace Applications
Title: 78th NIA CFD Seminar: Parallel Two-Dimensional Unstructured Anisotropic Delaunay Mesh Generation of Complex Domains for Aerospace Applications Speaker: Juliette Pardue, PhD Candidate, ODU Date: September 27, 2016 Location: NIA, Room 137 Time: 11:00am Weblink: http://nia-mediasite.nianet.org/NIAMediasite100/Play/95bef094a88843178d3fdf09922a9bdb1d Abstract: In this paper, we present a bottom-up approach to parallel anisotropic mesh generation by building a mesh generator from…