Tag: 2016 Meetings Short Courses and Workshops
[2016-05] May 17-19 Workshop | Flight Prediction
Flight Prediction Workshop May 17 – 19, 2016 Gilruth Center Gilruth Center Map and Directions (.pdf) (Adjacent to NASA Johnson Space Center) 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston, Texas 77058 Registration: (Invitation only. Please contact Joe Morrison, NASA Langley, @ Joseph.H.Morrison@nasa.gov for further details.) Register Online Here Workshop Objective: Flight Prediction Workshop Flyer (.pdf) This workshop will bring together Applied Aerodynamics…
[2016-06] June 06-10 Short Course| H.G. Heinrich: Parachute Systems
First Announcement: H.G. Heinrich Parachute Systems Short CourseJune 6-10, 2016 Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel & Waterfront Conference Center 425 Water Street Portsmouth, Virginia 23704 Registration Registration Check-In:Registration check-in will be held 5:00pm-7:00pm on Sunday, June 5 in the Registration Desk Area on the first floor of the hotel, across from the Holley Ballroom. Please know, that if…
[2016-06] June 21-22 Workshop | Advanced Aerospace Materials
Day One Presentations (Click to download): Workshop Overview and Agenda Adams – Future Prospects for SWCNT Fibers — Can we Approach the Staudinger Continuous Crystal Limit for Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Fibers? Bushnell – Revolutionary Materials Proessing Fikes/Vickers – Progress and Opportunities with the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation Kumar – Carbon Fibers and Carbon Nanotube Based Materials Misra –…
[2016-08] August 16-18 Workshop | Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains
NASA LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER: CDT – BIG DATA ANALYTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE TEAM HOSTING Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains Workshop August 16-18, 2016Pearl Young and Reid 1Morning session: 9 AM – NoonAfternoon session: 1 PM – 4 PM Learn and stay abreast of state-of-the-art technologies and their applications —…
[2016-08] August 23-26 Short Course | C. Ariel Pinto: Risk Modeling and Analysis
Risk Modeling and Analysis Instructor: Dr. C. Ariel Pinto, Old Dominion University August 23-26, 2016 National Institute of Aerospace 100 Exploration Way, Hampton, VA 23666 (Directions) Registration: If you are interested in attending this course please contact Mary Catherine Bunde at mary.bunde@nianet.org or by calling (757) 325-6731. Course Overview: The Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) sub-Project under…
[2016-09] September 13-14 Short Course | Marco Campi: Scenario-Based Optimization: Heuristics and Certificates in Decision Making
Scenario-Based Optimization: Heuristics and Certificates in Decision Making Instructor: Dr. Marco Campi, University of Brescia (Italy) September 13 -14, 2016 National Institute of Aerospace – Room 101 100 Exploration Way, Hampton, VA 23666 (Directions) Registration: If you are interested in attending this course and/or obtaining more information as it becomes available please contact Mary Catherine…
[2016-11] November 15-17 Short Course | Eugene Morelli: Aircraft Systems Identification
Aircraft Systems Identification Short Course Instructor: Dr. Eugene A. Morelli November 15 – 17, 2016 National Institute of Aerospace 100 Exploration Way, Hampton, VA 23666 (Directions) Registration: If you are interested in taking this course and obtaining more information as it becomes available please contact Mary Catherine Bunde at mary.bunde@nianet.org or by calling (757) 325-6731. Course Overview:…
[2016-08] August 16-18 Workshop | Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains – Speaker Bios and Abstracts
Machine Learning Technologies and Their Applications to Scientific and Engineering Domains Workshop – Speaker Bios and Abstracts NASA Langley Machine Learning Workshop 2016 Confirmed Speakers’ Bio’s and Abstracts Atkins | Carbonell | Codella | Duraisamy | Kumar | Lee | Long | Mavris | O’Reilly | Poczos | Pokutta | Rajan | Scheutz |…