Tag: 2015 Seminars
03-05-2015 | Lyatt Jaegle: Sources and Distribution of Sea Salt Aerosols from the Tropics to the Arctic
SOURCES AND DISTRIBUTION OF SEA SALT AEROSOLS FROM THE TROPICS TO THE ARCTIC Prof. Lyatt Jaeglé, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle March 5, 2015, 1:30 pm, NASA Langley, Bldg 1250, Rm 116 Abstract: In this work, I examine the global distribution of sea salt aerosols using in situ measurements of sea salt…
03-18-2015 | Onur Bilgen: Towards Low-Cost and Solid-State Aircraft for Planetary Exploration
TOWARDS LOW-COST AND SOLID-STATE AIRCRAFT FOR PLANETARY EXPLORATION Onur Bilgen, PhD, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University March 18, 2015, 9:00 am, NIA, Room 101 Abstract: The aircraft today suffers from a saturation of design space due to the lack of understanding of biological ornithopters such as birds, insects, some mammals, and…
02-25-2015 | Prahladh Iyer: High-Speed Boundary-Layer Transition Induced by a Discrete Roughness Elements
HIGH-SPEED BOUNDARY-LAYER TRANSITION INDUCED BY A DISCRETE ROUGHNESS ELEMENT Prahladh S. Iyer, Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota February 25, 2015, 10:00 am, NIA, Rm 137 Abstract: Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is used to study laminar to turbulent transition induced by a discrete hemispherical roughness element in a high-speed laminar…
02-24-2015 | Dimitri Mavris: ASDL’s Approach to the Design of the Next Generation of Advanced Concepts
ASDL’s APPROACH TO THE DESIGN OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF ADVANCED CONCEPTS Prof. Dimitri Mavris, Boeing chaired professor of Advanced Aerospace Systems Analysis in Georgia Tech’s School of Aerospace Engineering, Regents Professor, and Director of its Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory February, 24, 2015, 10:00 am, NASA Langley, Pearl Young Theatre, Bldg 2102 Presentation Charts (Download…
Protected: 01-29-2015 | Qiqi Wang: Towards Aerospace Design in the Age of Extreme-Scale Supercomuting
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01-20-2015 | Joseph Djugash: Toyota Partner Robots: Achieving Harmony with People
Autonomous Incubator Seminar Series: TOYOTA PARTNER ROBOTS: ACHIEVING HARMONY WITH PEOPLE Dr. Joseph Djugash, Principal Research Scientist, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, San Jose January 20, 2015, 10:00 am, NASA LaRC Reid Center Hosts: Danette Allen (NASA) and Fred Brooks (NIA) Abstract: Toyota has been developing industrial robots since the 1980s. In recent…