Tag: 2014 Seminars
Protected: 12-16-2014 | Hiroaki Nishikawa: Accuracy-Preserving Boundary Quadrature for Edge-Based Finite-Volume Scheme: Third-Order Accuracy Without Curved Elements
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Protected: 12-02-2014 | Matteo Parsani: Entropy Stable Wall Boundary Conditions for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations
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12-02-2014 | Do and Owens: Towards a Sustained Human Presence on Mars – An Overview of MIT’s Integrated Space Habitation, Logistics, and Lifecycle Analysis Capabilities
TOWARDS A SUSTAINED HUMAN PRESENCE ON MARS – AN OVERVIEW OF MIT’S INTEGRATED SPACE HABITATION, LOGISTICS, AND LIFECYCLE ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES Sydney Do and Andrew Owens, PhD Candidates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology December 2, 2014, 2:00 pm, NIA, Room 101 [Webcast] Abstract: This talk will summarize the research capabilities that have been developed at MIT’s Strategic…
11-20-2014 | Timothy Ruggles: Resolving Geometrically Necessary Dislocations onto Individual Slip Systems Using EBSD-Based Continuum Dislocation Microscopy
RESOLVING GEOMETRICALLY NECESSARY DISLOCATIONS ONTO INDIVIDUAL SLIP SYSTEMS USING EBSD-BASED CONTINUUM DISLOCATION MICROSCOPY Timothy Ruggles, PhD Candidate, Brigham Young University November 20, 2014, 10:30 am, NIA Building 100, Room 137 Abstract: Modeling of plasticity is often hampered by the difficulty in accurately characterizing dislocation density on the microscale for real samples. It is particularly difficult…
10-02-2014 | Mark Skoog: Development and Flight Demonstration of Variable Autonomy as Applied to Ground Collision Avoidance
Autonomy Incubator Seminar Series: DEVELOPMENT AND FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION OF VARIABLE AUTONOMY AS APPLIED TO GROUND COLLISION AVOIDANCE Mark Skoog, Project Manager and Chief Engineer for the Automatic Systems Project Office, NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center October 2, 2014, 10:00 am, NASA LaRC Pearl Young Theater (Bldg. 2102, Rm 160) Hosts: Danette Allen (NASA) and Fred…
11-07-2014 | Karen Feigh: Option and Constraint Generation Using Work Domain Analysis: Implementation for Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Autonomy Incubator Seminar Series: OPTION AND CONSTRAINT GENERATION USING WORK DOMAIN ANALYSIS: IMPLEMENTATION FOR REINFORCEMENT LEARNING ALGORITHM Dr. Karen Feigh, Associate Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Tech November 7, 2014, 10:00 am, NASA LaRC Reid Center (Bldg 2102) Hosts: Danette Allen (NASA) and Fred Brooks (NIA) Abstract The goal of interactive machine learning is…