Tag: 2014 Seminars
Protected: Seminar 2014-09 Chau-Lyan Chang: Numerical Simulations of General Conservation Laws Using the Space-Time Conservative CESE Method
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06-24-2014 | O.J. Tucker: Insight into Pluto’s Atmospheric Structure from Molecular Kinetic Models
INSIGHT INTO PLUTO’S ATMOSPHERIC STRUCTURE FROM MOLECULAR KINETIC MODELS O.J. Tucker, University of Michigan June 24, 2014, 1:00 pm, NIA, Rm 141 Abstract: In July of 2015 the New Horizons (NH) spacecraft will encounter the Pluto-¬‐Charon system providing scientists with an opportunity to evaluate ideas about Pluto’s atmospheric structure. Recently, the direct simulation Monte Carlo…
03-18-2014 | Donald Brown: The Transformative Power of Big Data
CDT and NIA Seminar Series: Big Data, Deep Analytics, and Machine Intelligence THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF BIG DATA Prof. Donald Brown, University of Virginia March 18, 2014, 10:00 am, NIA, Rm 137 Livestream Abstract: Massive data acquisition is transforming many areas of society and has the potential to transform many more. This presentation will describe…
10-14-2014 | Amanda Regan: Overview of the European Space Agency with Focus on Earth Observation Missions
OVERVIEW OF THE EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY WITH FOCUS ON EARTH OBSERVATION MISSIONS Amanda Regan, European Space Agency October 14, 2014, 2:00 pm, NIA, Rm 101 Abstract: The talk will comprise an overview of the European Space Agency and will focus on Earth Observation Missions (Amanda Regan works in Earth Observation Future Missions). Her aim to…
10-09-2014 | Marie Denison: Turbulent Drag Reduction by Swept Surface Waviness
TURBULENT DRAG REDUCTION BY SWEPT SURFACE WAVINESS Marie Denison, NIA Visiting Researcher October 9, 2014, 10:00 am, NIA, Rm 141 Host: Mujeeb Malik (NASA Langley) Abstract: A long-term goal for the next generation of aircrafts is a lowering of their energy requirements and of the emission levels due to their operation. While new aerodynamic design…
10-07-2014 | Erica Briscoe: Intelligence Extraction from Large and Diverse Data Sets
7th NIA Big Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence Seminar: INTELLIGENCE EXTRACTION FROM LARGE AND DIVERSE DATA SETS Prof. Erica Briscoe and Research Scientist Jason Poovey, Georgia Tech Research Institute October 7, 2014, 10:00 am, NASA Langley, Bldg 1268A, Rm 2120 Hosts: Manjula Ambur (NASA) and Lise Schioler (NIA) Abstract: This seminar will cover several areas,…
Protected: 10-06-2014 | Tomohiro Irie: Recent Applications of Overset Mesh Technology in SC/Tetra
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09-26-2014 | Mariano Moscato: Dynamite: A Tool for the Verification of Alloy Models Based on PVS
Formal Methods Seminar: DYNAMITE: A TOOL FOR THE VERIFICATION OF ALLOY MODELS BASED ON PVS Mariano Moscato, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, NIA September 26, 2014, 11:00 am, NASA Langley, Bldg 1220, Rm 110 Host: Cesar Munoz (NASA Langley) Abstract: Formal analysis of software models can be undertaken following two approaches: the lightweight and the heavyweight. The…
09-22-2014 | Nicholas Roy: Planning and Learning in Information Space for Autonomous Air Vehicles
Autonomy Incubator Seminar Series: PLANNING AND LEARNING IN INFORMATION SPACE FOR AUTONOMOUS AIR VEHICLES Dr. Nicholas Roy, Associate Professor in Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology September 22, 2014, 2:00 pm, NASA Langley, Pearl Young Theater Hosts: Danette Allen (NASA Langley) and Fred Brooks (NIA) Abstract: Decision making with imperfect knowledge is…
08-28-2014 | Jung-San Chen: Dynamics of a Spinning Structure Subjected to a Constant Pressure
DYNAMICS OF A SPINNING STRUCTURE SUBJECTED TO A CONSTANT PRESSURE Jung-San Chen, Visiting Researcher, National Cheng Kung University August 28, 2014, 2:40 pm, NIA, Rm 141 Hosts: Lucas Horta (NASA Langley), Keats Wilkie (NASA Langley), and Dr. William Edmonson (Langley Professor, NIA) Abstract: This study presents an additional analytical approach to the dynamics of a…