Research Programs
The Samuel P. Langley Professor Program was established as a way for NASA Langley personnel and graduate students to further their education. It serves to provide additional training and experience for prospective new employees. These distinguished faculty in residence provide students with valuable real-world experiences as they work alongside Langley researchers.
The Postdoctoral Research Scholar Program gives recent doctoral recipients additional research training in preparation for an independent career. It allows scientists and engineers to focus on their research — typically for one year, renewable up to three additional years — under the mentorship of a senior researcher.
In addition to full-time research, NIA Postdoctoral Research Scholars may participate in career enrichment activities such as technical training and conference attendance.
The Visitor Program facilitates research partnerships between the National Institute of Aerospace, NASA’s Langley Research Center and other institutions. Scientists and engineers collaborate with researchers, faculty and graduate students typically for a semester or summer duration.