
Research Overview

The Research Department consists of resident staff, professors and students, as well as subcontractors and consultants. Their work covers a broad range of engineering and scientific research, which is sponsored by NASA, other government agencies and the aerospace industry. We collaborate with leading research institutions worldwide to accomplish mutual research objectives.

Through the University Research Program, faculty and students work with NASA researchers in areas across aerospace, mechanical, electrical and systems engineering, applied mathematics and more. We also conduct applied research for the aerospace industry and as a part of this collaborative effort, industry partners gain access to NASA resources, including personnel, facilities and intellectual properties.

Research Areas

Research Programs

Samuel P. Langley Professor Program

Distinguished faculty in residence serve as the core of the Institute’s academic research program and are often sought out for collaborative research, advice and direction. Professors also provide graduate students the opportunity to work alongside Langley researchers while pursuing their degree.

Commercial Programs

The collaboration of the aerospace industry and university teams of academic researchers strive to develop the next generation of commercial aircraft that will set a new standard in environmental friendliness and fuel efficiency.

Visitor Program

The Visitor Program facilitates research partnerships between the National Institute of Aerospace, NASA Langley Research Center and other institutions. Scientists and engineers collaborate with researchers, faculty and graduate students typically for a semester or summer duration.

Postdoctoral Program

The Postdoctoral Research  Scholar Program gives recent doctoral recipients additional research training in preparation for an independent career.

Centers of Excellence, Research Centers and Consortiums

Centers for Excellence

Research Centers and Consortiums

Research and Innovation Laboratories