- Ph.D., Materials Engineering Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, August 2003
- M.S., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, March 1990
- B.S., Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, June 1980
- A.A., Engineering Transfer, Hagerstown Junior College, June 1978
Research Interests
- Materials Science,
- Experimental Failure Analysis by Acoustic Emission, and
- Nondestructive Evaluation and Experimental Damage Science
Current Research
Analysis of Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Tests of Aerospace Structures: Supported through the Nondestructive Evaluation Sciences Branch at NASA Langley Research Center, NDE testing and evaluation of aeronautical and aerospace structures is performed. Testing includes Acoustic Emission (AE) testing of many structures for the next generation of space vehicles. Information of interest are the relationships between the AE events and indications of yielding, and subsequent ultimate failure, such as stress rupture failure in composites. My work has included AE testing of:
- Solar Probe Plus Thermal Protection System: Failure progression for Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory;
- NASA Crew Module Launch Abort System 4D SiC impregnated C-C composite used in the attitude rocket valves: Failure progression for NESC;
- OHT, Composite w/hole: Identify damage progression mechanism for modeling purposes;
- Pultruded Rod Stitched Efficient Unitized Structure (PRSEUS), Hybrid Wing Body: Identify damage progression for Boeing;
- Composite overwrap pressure vessels (COPV): Analysis of stress rupture for NASA;
- Composite single strand loading: Feasibility study of tracking failure. Building block test of COPV creep rupture investigation for NASA;
- Hat stiffened composite panel compression cycling tests;
- Composite crew module (CCM): Identify damage development;
- Aluminum crew module (CEV): Qualify construction integrity.
Recent Publications
Kirsch, M. et al. “Composite Crew Module Pressure Vessel-NDE Report Final.” NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC). NESC-RP-06-019. 10/24/2011
Horne, M.R. “Rayleigh Wave Acoustic Emission during Crack Propagation in Steel.” 12th International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials (NDCM-XII). Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA 6/19/2011
Wallace, T. et al. “Optimization of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys for Strain Detection” Conference abstract. 2011 TMS Annual Meeting. 02/27/2011 – 03/03/2011 San Diego, CA United States.
Newman, J.A.; Horne, M.R.; Messick, P.l. “Development of Metallic Sensory Alloys” NASA LaRC Technical Report NF1676L-10373. 10/21/2010
Horne, M. R., Madaras, E.I. (2010) “Evaluation of Acoustic Emission NDE of the Composite Crew Module (CCM) SM/ALAS fittings”. NASA/TM-2010-216859. Hampton, VA.
Wallace, T. et al. “Development of Metallic Sensory Alloys”. Materials Science and Technology 2010 Conference and Exhibition 10/17/2010 – 10/21/2010 Houston, TX United States.
Horne, M. R., Madaras, E. I. (in review). “Evaluation of Acoustic Emission NDE of Accelerated Aging Tests of Kevlar Composite Over Wrapped Pressure Vessels”. NASA/TM-2010-xxxxxx. Hampton, VA.
Horne, M. R., Wallace, T. “NDE of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys”. Conference presentation. 19th Annual Research Symposium & Spring Conference, Williamsburg VA, American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). 3/25/2010
Horne, M. R. “Rayleigh Wave Acoustic Emission during Crack Propagation in Steel.” Conference presentation. 19th Annual Research Symposium & Spring Conference, Williamsburg VA, American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). 3/25/2010
Nontechnical article. “Aging Gracefully: Research aims to non-destructively identify defects in airplane structures”. 9/16/2008. NIA Explorer Newsletter Fall 2008.
Horne, Michael R., Madaras, Eric I (2008). “Evaluation of Acoustic Emission NDE of Kevlar Composite Over Wrapped Pressure Vessels.” NASA/TM-2008-215558. Hampton, VA.
- Patent Application. US 20100190026 July 29, 2010. “Strain-Detecting Composite Materials”. T.A. Wallace, S.W. Smith, R.S. Piascik, M.R. Horne, P.L. Messick, J.A. Alexa, E.H. Glaessgen, and B. Hailer, B.
- Patent Disclosure. NASA LAR-18074-1 July 7, 2011 Rapid Quench Furnace for Processing Powder in an Inert Environment. J.A. Newman, T.A. Wallace, M.R. Horne, J.A. Alexa, P.L., Messick, W.P. Leser PE Leser, HD Claytor and S.W Smith,.
- NASA Group Achievement Award: Composite Crew Module (8/2010)