Kenneth Sutton

Tel: +1 (757) 864-4399; FAX: +1 (757) 864-8670sutton_Ken_bg

Research Interests

  • Aerothermodynamics.
  • Radiative Heat Transfer.
  • Convective Heat Transfer.
  • Planetary Entry and Earth Re-Entry Vehicles.
  • High-Temperature Gas Properties.


  • Ph.D. (1973), Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University
  • M.S. (1967), Governmental Administration, George Washington University
  • M.S. (1964), Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida
  • M.S. (1962), Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida

Current Research

Aerothermodynamic Analyses for Planetary Entry Vehicles: This research involves the definition, analysis, and calculation of engineering and physics features involved in planetary entry science, and the high-temperature, shock-layer, radiative heating associated with planetary entry vehicles. The research supports NASA’s program to send entry vehicles to explore the Outer Planets, Venus, or Mars; and, Earth return from its moon or Mars.  The purpose of the research is to investigate the physics and chemistry of a high-temperature, reacting flowfield, and to define methods to accurately predict the heating and aerodynamics associated with these high-speed entries. Gaseous radiation is the major source of heating concerns at the higher velocity entries for the entry missions cited. Thus, investigation, analysis, and modification of current computational methods for gaseous radiative transport are of significant interest to insure a vehicle’s survival during entry.  Validation of developed analyses with existing ground-based and flight data is part of the research.  Also, the development of databases suitable for use in system design of potential missions and design of approved missions is included.

Recent Publications

  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Gnoffo, Peter A.; and Sutton, Kenneth: Influence of Ablation on   Radiative Heating for Earth Entry. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 46, No. 3, May-June 2009, pp. 481-491.
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Hollis, Brian R.; and Sutton, Kenneth:  Spectrum Modeling for Air Radiation at Lunar-Return Conditions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 45, No. 5, September-October 2008, pp. 865-878.
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Hollis, Brian R.; and Sutton, Kenneth: Non-Boltzmann Modeling for Air Shock-Layer Radiation at Lunar-Return Conditions.  Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 45, No. 5, September-October 2008, pp. 879-890.
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Hollis, Brian R.; and Sutton, Kenneth: Nonequilibrium Stagnation-Line Radiative Heating for Fire II. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 45, No. 6, November-December 2008, pp. 1185-1195.
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Hollis, Brian R.; and Sutton, Kenneth:  Radiative Heating Methodology for the Huygens Probe. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 44, No. 5, September-October 2007, pp. 993-1002.
  • Lockwood, Mary Kae; Powell Richard W.; Sutton, Kenneth; Prabhu, Ramadas K.; Graves, Claude A.; Epp, Chirold D.; and Carman, Gilbert L.:  Entry Configurations and Performance Comparisons for the Mars Smart Lander.  Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 43, No. 2, March-April 2006, pp. 258-269.
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Mazaheri, Alreza; Gnoffo, Peter; Kleb, Bil; Sutton, Kenneth; Prahbu, Dinesh; Brandis, Aaron M.; and Bose, Deepak: Assessment of Radiative Heating Uncertainty for Hyperbolic Earth Entry.  AIAA 2011-3145, June 2011.          
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Gnoffo, Peter A.; and Sutton, Kenneth:  The Influence of Ablation on Radiative Heating for Earth Entry.   AIAA 2008-4107, June 2008.
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Hollis, Brian R.; and Sutton, Kenneth: Nonequilibrium                              Stagnation-Line Radiative Heating for Fire II.     AIAA 2007-3908, July 2007.
  • Johnston, Christopher O.; Hollis, Brian R.; and Sutton, Kenneth: Radiative   Heating Methodology for the Huygens Probe.    AIAA 2006-3426, June 2006.
  • Hollis, Brian R.; Striepe, Scott A.; Wright, Michael J.; Bose, Deepak; Sutton, Kenneth; and Takashima, Naruhisa:  Prediction of the Aerothermodynamic Environment of the Huygens Probe.  AIAA 2005-4816, June 2005.
  • Hollis, Brian R.; Wright, Michael J.; Olejniczak, Joseph; Takashima, Naruhisa; Sutton, Kenneth; and Prabhu, Dinesh:  Preliminary Convective-Radiative Heating Environments for a Neptune Aerocapture Mission.  AIAA 2004-5177, August 2004.
  • Takashima, Naruhisa; Hollis, Brian R.; Zoby, E. Vicent; Sutton, Kenneth; Olejniczak, Joe; Wright, J. Michael; and Prabhu, Dinesh:  Preliminary Aerothermodynamics Analysis of Titan Aerocapture Aeroshell.  AIAA 2003-4952, July 2003.
  • Olejniczak, Joseph; Wright, Michael; Prabhu, Dinesh; Takashima, Naruhisa; Hollis, Brian; Zoby, E. Vincent; and Sutton, Kenneth:  An Analysis of the Radiative     Heating Environment for Aerocapture at Titan.  AIAA 2003-4953, July 2003.
  • Lockwood, M.K.; Sutton. K.; Prabhu, R.; Powell, R.W.; Graves, C.A.; Epp, C.; and Carman, G.L:  Entry Configurations and Performance Comparisons for the Mars Smart Lander.  AIAA 2002-4407, August 2002.