- Ph. D. (2004), Electrical & Computer Engineering (Chem. Eng./Polymeric
- Material), Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
- M.S. (1999), Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
- B.S. (1997), Chemical Engineering, Sogang University, Korea
Research Interests
- Materials Science;
- Development of novel high efficiency energy conversion materials & devices utilizing thermoelectric, piezoelectric, electrostrictive, etc.;
- Noise reduction technologies for aircrafts utilizing electroactive and shape memory polymers;
- Anti-penetrating materials against high kinetic energy impactors;
- Radiation shielding materials against ionizing (neutron, UV) & non-ionizing radiations;
- Solar and thermal emissivity control materials;
- Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotube & Boron nitride nanotube/polymer composites;
- Electromagnetic energy response of materials for broad bands from static to X-ray frequencies;
- Metamaterials; and
- Surface & interface science.
Current Research
- Development of electroactive materials and devices (piezoelectric, electrostrictive) utilizing carbon nanotubes and boron nanotubes;
- Development of various stiffness materials for multi-objective leading edge concepts for reducing SFW aircraft noise;
- Novel multifunctional (structural, lightning protection and sensing) composite materials for fuselage and wing structure;
- Anti-penetrating and wear resistant materials;
- Negative index materials using doped chiral polymer;
- Development of boron nitride nanotube based radiation shielding materials for electronics and astronauts; amd
- Development of deployable solar power panel using thermoelectric and solar/thermal irradiation control materials.
Recent Publications
- K. L. Gordon, J. H. Kang, C. Park, P. Lillihei, and J. S. Harrison, “A Novel Negative Permittivity Material based on phosphoric acid doped poly(benzimidazole)”, J. Polym Sci. Polym. Phys. 125 (4), 2977-2985 (2012).
- W.-H Zhong, C. A. Ulven, C. Park, R. G. Magiure, J. H. Kang, G. Sauti, and M. A. Fuqua, Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2nd edition, Chapter: Polymer Nanocomposites and Functionalities, American Scientific Publishers, volume 21 171-218 (2011) (www.aspbs.com/enn).
- C. Park, J.-W. Kim, G. Sauti, J. H. Kang, S. E. Lowther, P. T. Lillehei, J. S. Harrison, N. Nazem, and L. T. Taylor, “Metallized Nanotube Polymer Composite (MNPC) Films Prepared by Supercritical Fluid Impregnation of a Metal Precursor”, J. Polym Sci Polym Phys. 50(6), 394-402 (2011).
- • C. Lovell, J. H. Kang, J. M. Fitz-Gerald, and C. Park, “Effects of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on the Shear Piezoelectricity of Poly (g-benzyl L-glutamate),” J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym Phys, 48, 2355-2365 (2010).
- J. H. Kang, C. Park, J. A. Scholl, A. H. Brazin, N. M. Holloway, J. W. High, S. E. Lowther, J. S. Harrison, “Piezoresistive Characteristics of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube/Polyimide Nanocomposite”, J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym Phys. Vol. 47, 994-1003 (2009).
- T.-B. Xu, N. Guerreiro, J. Hubbard, J. H. Kang, C. Park, and J. S. Harrison , “A One-Dimensional Contact Mode Interdigitated Center of Pressure Sensor (CMIPS)”, App. Phys. Lett. Vol. 94, 233503 (2009).
- J. H. Kang, C. Park, S. E. Lowther, J. S. Harrison, and C. E. Park, “All-Organic actuator fabricated with single wall carbon nanotube electrodes”, J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym Phys. Vol. 46, 2532-2538 (2008).
- C. Park, J. H. Kang, Z. Ounaies, S. Lowther, R. C. Costen, and J. S. Harrison, “Novel Actuating SWNT Polymer Composites: Intrinsic Unimorph”, Advanced Materials, 20, 2074-2079 (2008).
- J. H. Kang, R. Penner, T. Turner, E. J. Siochi, “Variable Stiffness Shape Adaptive Multi-Layered Polymer Composite,” LAR 17977-1 Non-Provisional Filing, April 16, 2012, #12/547,513.
- J. H. Kang, C. Park, J.S. Harrison, M. W. Smith, S. E. Lowther, J.-W. Kim, G. Sauti, “Energy conversion materials fabricated with boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) and BNNT polymer composites,” LAR 17918-1 Non-Provisional Filing, August 11, 2011, #20110192016.
- J. H. Kang, C. Park, G. Sauti, M. W. Smith, K. Jordan, S. E. Lowther, and R. Bryant, “High Kinetic Energy Penetrator Shielding and High Wear Resistance Materials Fabricated with Boron Nitride Nanotubes (BNNTs) and BNNT Polymer Composites”, LAR 17918-1, Non provisional patent application filed (July 2011).
- T. B. Xu, E. Siochi, J. H. Kang, and X. Jiang, “Piezoelectric Single Crystal Multilayer Stacks for Energy Harvesting Transducers (PSCMSEHT)”, LAR 17967-1, Non provisional filing, Nov 2011.
- J. H. Kang, R. G. Bryant, C. Park, G. Sauti, L. J. Gibbons, S. E. Lowther, C. C. Fay, Multi-functional BN-BN composite, LAR 18040-1, May 2011.
- C. Park, J. H. Kang, K. Gordon, G. Sauti, S. E. Lowther R. G. Bryant, Doped Chiral Polymer Negative Index Materials (DCPNIM), LAR 18073-1, Jun 2011
- T. B. Xu, E. Siochi, J. H. Kang, X. Jiang, Wesley Hackenberger “Secondary Amplification of Multiple Flextensional Acuation/Trasduction System (SAMFATS)”, LAR 17907-1, (Jun 24, 2011).
- G. Sauti, C. Park, J. H. Kang, J.-W. Kim, J. S. Harrison, M. W. Smith, K. Jordan, S. E. Lowther, P. T. Lillehei, S. A. Thibeault, “Neutron and ultraviolet radiation shielding films fabricated using boron nitride nanotubes and boron nitride nanotube polymer composites,” LAR 17902-1, Non-Provisional Filing, May 2011.
- K. L. Gordon, J. H. Kang, C. Park, P. T. Lillehei, J. S. Harrison, “Negative Dielectric Constant Material Based on Ion Conducting Materials”, LAR-17689-1, US Patent App. Pub. US2011/0105293 A1, May 2011.
- J. H. Kang, C. Park, J. S. Harrison, “All-organic electroactive device fabricated with single wall carbon nanotube film electrode (SWNT-FE),” LAR 17455-1, Non-Provisional Filing, Oct 2011.
- T. B. Xu, E. Siochi, J. H. Kang, and X. Jiang, “Secondary amplification of multiple flextensional actuation/transduction system (SAMFATS)”, LAR 17907-1, Non provisional patent application filing, Jun 2011.
- J. H. Kang, G. Sauti, C. Park, L. J. Gibbons, S. A. Thibeault, S. E. Lowther R. G. Bryant, Radiation hardened Microelectronic Chip Packaging Technology, LAR 18005-1, Jan 2011.
- Cheol Park, J. H. Kang, Godfrey Sauti, Luke Gibbons, Robert Bryant, Sharon Lowther, “Sequential/Simultaneous Multi-Metalized Nanocomposites (S2M2N)”, LAR 17997-1, Jan 14, 2011