
Leaders In Innovative Aerospace Research, Exemplary Education, and Inspirational Outreach

Lead and conduct synergistic research with government, academia and industry partners to stimulate creativity 

Deliver unique, collaborative and comprehensive graduate and continuing education in science and engineering

Deliver signature programs to advance STEM literacy and inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers

Produce media campaigns and outreach products that build excitement for NASA and the aerospace community

The NonProfit Times has ranked the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) as the Best NonProfit to Work For in the Nation among mid- and large-sized companies.

The National Institute of Aerospace is proud to be ranked #1 mid and large-sized “Best Nonprofits to Work For” by the Nonprofit Times.

2021 NASA iTech Cycle I
NASA iTech’s Cycle I virtual forum is slated for May 27, 2021. The competition for innovative entrepreneurs includes more than a dozen focus areas that aim to help NASA achieve its exploration goals while also improving life on Earth.
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NIA Tops “Best Nonprofits to Work For” List
The NonProfit Times ranks the National Institute of Aerospace #1 for mid and large-sized organizations in their 2021 rankings.
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NASA iTech Ignite the Night AERONAUTICS Winner Announced
NASA has selected United Aircraft Technologies Inc. (UAT) of Troy, New York, as the winner of NASA iTech’s virtual Ignite the Night Aeronautics event held April 13, 2021.
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NASA Selects 16 University Teams to Develop Deep Space Mission Concepts
Sixteen team finalists will move to the next phase of NASA’s Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) program. The clock is ticking toward June’s virtual 2021 RASC-AL Forum where teams will showcase their completed work directly to NASA and aerospace industry leaders.
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University Students’ Tech Could Shine Light on the Moon
Eight teams presented their lunar exploration technology concepts and prototypes at the recent Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge virtual forum. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced the top honor, the Artemis Award, to Michigan Technological University.
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NASA Selects University Teams to Develop Ways to Deal with Moon Dust
Through the 2021 competitive Breakthrough, Innovative, and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge and the Space Grant project, NASA has awarded nearly $1 million to seven university teams to develop their innovative lunar dust mitigation solutions.
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Purdue University Team Wins 2020 FAA Challenge: Smart Airport Student Competition
The Federal Aviation Administration has announced Purdue University as the winning team of the 2020 FAA Challenge: Smart Airport Student Competition. The competition focused on improving smart technology’s efficiency and effectiveness in and around the airport environment while enhancing traveler’s overall experience.
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Moon to Mars Ice Challenge Announces Semifinalists
NASA and the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) have selected 12 university teams as semi-finalists in NASA’s 2021 Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) Special Edition: Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge. These finalists will design, build, and test prototype systems capable of extracting water from ice deposits buried beneath the simulated lunar or Martian soil.
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NASA Seeks Ideas from the Public for Powering Exploration on the Moon
NASA’s Watts on the Moon Challenge is now open. The challenge seeks solutions for energy distribution, management, and storage that address NASA technology gaps and can be further developed for space flight and future operation on the lunar surface.
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Britcher Named P. Stephen Barna Professor at ODU
Dr. Colin Britcher has been named the P. Stephen Barna Professor of Experimental Aerodynamics in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology at Old Dominion University.
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NIA Media Production Spotlight

Faces of Technology – Meet Daniel Jones

Meet Daniel Jones, an aerospace technologist at NASA’s Stennis Space Center. Daniel describes his job as a hypersonic fire wrangler. He develops supersonic diffusers for rockets by putting to use what he knows about the effects of fire on metals. Inspired by Star Trek, Daniel helps push exploration by reducing the time and money required to get us off the planet.

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Note: Some events have been delayed or postponed or moved to a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Updates are posted as soon as received.