Balaji Shanlkar Venkatachari
Senior Research Engineer
High Performance Aerospace Computing (HiPAC)
Tel: (757) 864-2568

- Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2010
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2005
- B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering, Pondicherry University, India, 2001
Work Experience
- Research Engineer, NIA, 2014–present
- Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2010–2014
- Graduate Research Assistant, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2002–2010
- Graduate Engineer Trainee, Whirlpool of India Ltd., India, 2001–2002
Research Areas/Expertise
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Unstructured Mesh Compatible High-Order Algorithm Development
- Space-time CESE Method
- Shock/Turbulence Interaction
- Hypersonic/Supersonic Flows
- Surface Ablation Modeling
Current Research
Multi-Fidelity Tools for Modeling of Boundary Layer Transition
According to CFD Vision 2030, the most critical area in CFD simulation capability that will remain a pacing item is the ability to adequately predict viscous turbulent flows with possible transition and flow separation.Current state of the art in transition prediction involves a combination of primarily empirical models with limited validity and physics based linear stability correlations that are not integrated into NASA CFD codes. This research will investigate multi-fidelity prediction tools for accurate prediction and control of boundary-layer transition via combined advances in physics-based transition prediction, coupling with RANS solvers, and integration of transition prediction with scale resolving simulation techniques such as LES/WMLES and hybrid RANS/LES.
Venkatachari, B.S., and Chang, C.L., “Investigation of Transitional Shock-Wave/Boundary Layer Interactions Using Direct Numerical Simiulations,” AIAA 2019-0093, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, San Diego, CA, 2019.
Chang, C.L., and Venkatachari, B.S., “Dynamic Smagorinsky Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulence Using Tetrahedral Meshes,” AIAA 2019-1647, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, San Diego, CA, 2019.
Cheng, G.C., Olcmen, S., Venkatachari, B. S., Brooker, B. T., and Chang, S.C., “Computational Study of Subsonic and Supersonic Acoustic Cavity Flows Using CESE Method”, AIAA 2018-3594, AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Venkatachari, B.S., and Chang, C.L., “Tetrahedral-Mesh Simulations of Shock-Turbulence Interaction”, AIAA 2018-1529, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2018.
Chang, S.C., Chang, C.L., and Venkatachari, B.S., ”Cause and Cure – Deterioration in Accuracy of CFD Simulations with Use of High-Aspect-Ratio Triangular/Tetrahedral Grids”, AIAA Paper 2017-4293, 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Denver, CO, 2017.
Venkatachari, B.S., Streett, C.L., Chang. C.L., Friedlander, D. J., Wang, X.Y., and Chang, S.C., “The Space-Time Conservative Schemes for Large-Scale, Time-Accurate Flow Simulations with Tetrahedral Meshes”, AIAA 2016-1060, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2016.
Chang, C.L., Venkatachari, B.S., and Cheng, G.C., “Tetrahedral-Mesh Simulation of Turbulent Flows with the Space-Time Conservative Schemes,” AIAA Paper 2015-3084,45th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Con- ference, Dallas, TX, 2015.
Venkatachari, B.S., Mullane, M., Cheng, G.C., and Chang, C.L., “Numerical Experiments of Counter- flowing Jet Effects on Supersonic Slender-Body Configurations,” AIAA Paper 2015-3010, 33rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamic Conference, Dallas, TX, 2015.
Venkatachari, B.S., Cheng, G.C., Chang, C.L., Zichetello, B., and Bilyeu, D.L., “Long Penetration Mode Counterflowing Jets for Supersonic Slender Configurations — A Numerical Study, ” AIAA Paper 2013-2662, 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, 2013.