Olivier Bauchau
University of Maryland Langley Distinguished Professor
Center for Structural Dynamics
Tel: (757) 325-6830
Fax: (757) 325 6701
Email: obauchau@umd.edu

- Universit´e de l’´Etat `a Li`ege (Belgium): Ing´enieur Civil Physicien degree, 1977
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA.): M.S., Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1978
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA.): Ph.D., Structural Dynamics, 1981
Research Interests
Teaching and conducting research in the fields of multibody dynamics, rotorcraft aero-mechanical comprehensive modeling, structural dynamics, and composites materials and structures.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Craig, J.I.: Structural Analysis with Application to Aerospace Structures. Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New-York, 2009. ISBN 978-90-481-2515-9.
- Bauchau O.A: Flexible Multibody Dynamics. Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New-York, 2011. ISBN 978-94-007-0334-6. This book has won a 2012 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty Award) from the Text and Academic Authors Association.
Publications in Refereed Journals (2006 – Present)
- Wang, J.L., Shan, X.W., Wu, B., and Bauchau, O.A.: “Time domain approaches to the stability analysis of multibody dynamic systems.” Submitted to Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015.
- Han, S.L. and Bauchau, O.A.: “Three-Dimensional Non-linear Shell Theory.” Submitted to International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2015.
- Han, S.L. and Bauchau, O.A.: “On the Saint-Venant’s Problem for Helicoidal Beams.” Submitted to International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2015.
- Bauchau, O.A., Betsch, P., Cardona, A., Gerstmayr, J., Jonker, B., Masarati, P., and Sonneville, V.: “Validation of Flexible Multibody Dynamics Beam Formulations using Benchmark Problems.” Submitted to Multibody
System Dynamics, 2015. - Han, S.L. and Bauchau, O.A.: “On the Solution of Almansi-Michell’s Problem.” To appear in International Journal of Computers and Structures, 2015.
- Shen, J., Singleton, J.D., Piatak, D.J., Bauchau, O.A., and Masarati, P.: “Multibody Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Investigation of a Model-Scale Tiltrotor.” To appear in Journal of the American Helicopter
Society, 2015. - Han, S.L. and Bauchau, O.A.: “Three-Dimensional Plate Theory.” Submitted to Computers and Structures, 2015.
- Kwak, J.Y., Cho, H.S., Chun T.Y., Shin, S.J., Bauchau, O.A.: “Domain Decomposition Approach Applied for Two- and Three-dimensional Problems via Direct SolutionMethodology.” International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 16(2): pp 177-189, 2015.
- Bauchau, O.A., Han, S.L., Mikkola, A., Matikainen, M.K. and Gruber, P.: “Experimental Validation of Flexible Multibody Dynamics Beam Formulations.” Multibody System Dynamics, 34(4): pp 373-389, 2015.
- Han, S.L. and Bauchau, O.A.: “Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Beam Theory for Flexible Multibody Dynamics.” Multibody System Dynamics, 34(3): pp 211-242, 2015.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Han, S.L.: “Three-Dimensional Beam Theory for Flexible Multibody Dynamics.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 9(4), 041011 (12 pages), 2014.
- Kwak, J.Y., Chun T.Y., Shin, S.J., Bauchau, O.A.: “Domain decomposition approach to flexible multibody dynamics simulation.” Computational Mechanics, 53(1): pp 147-158, 2014.
- Bauchau, O.A., Han, S.L., Mikkola, A., and Matikainen, M.K.: “Comparison of the Absolute Nodal Coordinate and Geometrically Exact Formulations for Beams.” Multibody System Dynamics, 32(1): pp 67-85, 2014.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Han, S.L.: “Interpolation of Rotation and Motion.” Multibody System Dynamics, 31(3): pp 339-370, 2014.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Han, S.L.: “Flexible Joints in Structural and Multibody Dynamics.” Mechanical Sciences, 4(1): pp 65-77, 2013.
- Bauchau, O.A., Xin, H., Dong, S.Y., Li, Z.H., and Han, S.L.: “Intrinsic Time Integration Procedures for Rigid Body Dynamics.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 8(1), 011006 (9 pages), 2013.
- Kwak, J.Y., Cho, H.S., Shin, S.J., and Bauchau, O.A.: “Development of Finite Element Domain Decomposition Method Using Local and Mixed Lagrange Multipliers.” Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 25(6): pp 469-476, 2012.
- Chierichetti, M., McColl, C., Palmer, D., Ruzzene, M., and Bauchau, O.A.: “Combined Analytical and Experimental Approaches to Rotor Components Stress Predictions.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 225: pp 322-330, December 2011.
- Skjoldan, P.F. and Bauchau, O.A.: “Determination of Modal Parameters in Complex Nonlinear Systems.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 6(3), 031017 (10 pages), 2011.
- Bauchau, O.A., Li, L.H., Masarati, P. and Morandini, M.: “Tensorial Deformation Measures for Flexible Joints.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 6(3), 031002 (8 pages), 2011.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Li, L.H.: “Tensorial Parameterization of Rotation and Motion.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 6(3), 031007 (8 pages), 2011.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Wang, J.L.: “Efficient and Robust Approaches for Rotorcraft Stability Analysis.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 55(3), 032006, pp 1–12, 2010.
- Bauchau, O.A., van Weddingen, Y. and Agarwal, S.: “Semi-Active Coulomb Friction Lead-Lag Dampers.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 55(1), 012005, pp 1–12, 2010.
- Bauchau, O.A.: “Parallel Computation Approaches for Flexible Multibody Dynamics Simulations.” Journal of the Franklin Institute, 347(1), pp 53–68, 2010.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Epple, A.: “Improved Computational Strategies for Rotor Blades Presenting High Gradients in Sectional Properties.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 54(2), pp 025001 1–7, 2009.
- Bain, J.J., Sankar, L.N., Prasad, J.V.R., Bauchau, O.A., Peters, D.A., and He, C.: “Computational Modeling of Variable-Droop Leading Edge in Forward Flight.” Journal of Aircraft, 46(2), pp 617–626, 2009.
- Bauchau, O.A., Epple, A., and Bottasso, L.: “Scaling of Constraints and Augmented Lagrangian Formulations in Multibody Dynamics Simulations.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 4(4), pp 021007-1– 9, 2009.
- Bauchau, O.A., Epple, A. and Heo, S.D.: “Interpolation of Finite Rotations in Flexible Multibody Dynamics Simulations.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 222(K4), pp 353–366, 2008.
- Maqueda, L.G., Bauchau, O.A. and Shabana, A.A.: “Effect of the Centrifugal Forces on the Finite Element Eigenvalue Solution of a Rotating Blade: a Comparative Study.” Multibody System Dynamics, 19, pp 281–302, 2008.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Laulusa, A.: “Review of Contemporary Approaches for Constraint Enforcement in Multibody Systems.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 3(1), pp 011005 1–8, January 2008.
- Laulusa, A. and Bauchau, O.A.: “Review of Classical Approaches for Constraint Enforcement in Multibody Systems.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 3(1), pp 011004-1– 8, January 2008.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Wang, J.L.: “Efficient and Robust Approaches to the Stability Analysis of Large Multibody Systems.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 3(1), pp 011001-1–12, January 2008.
- Shabana, A.A., Bauchau, O.A., and Hulbert, G.M.: “Integration of Large Deformation Finite Element and Multibody System Algorithms.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2(4), pp 351– 359, October 2007.
- Do, N.B., Ferri, A.A., and Bauchau, O.A.: “Efficient Simulation of a Dynamic System with LuGre Friction.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2(4), pp 281–289, October 2007.
- Bottasso, L., Bauchau, O.A. and Cardona, A.: “Time-Step-Size Independent Conditioning and Sensitivity to Perturbations in the Numerical Solution of Index-3 Differential Algebraic Equations.” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 29(1), pp 397–414, 2007.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Wang, J.L.: “Stability Evaluation and System Identification of Flexible Multi-Body Systems.” Multibody System Dynamics, 18(1), pp 95–106, 2007.
- Laulusa, A., Bauchau, O.A., Choi, J.Y., Tan, V. and Li, L.: “Evaluation of some Shear Deformable Shell Elements.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43, pp 5033–5054, 2006.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Ju, C.K.: “Modeling Friction Phenomena in Flexible Multibody Dynamics.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195(50–51), pp 6909–6924, 2006.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Liu, H.Y.: “On the Modeling of Hydraulic Components in Rotorcraft Systems.” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 51(2), pp 175–184, 2006.
- Bauchau, O.A. and Wang, Jielong: “Stability Analysis of Complex Multibody Systems.” Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 1(1), pp 71–80, 2006.