Category: Short Courses
[2022-07] July 25-29 Short Course | Introduction to Aeronautics – A Practical Perspective (Live Virtual Offering) – CANCELLED
This course is cancelled There is another course scheduled for September. Click here for more details about Introduction to Aeronautics – A Practical Perspective (Live Virtual Offering). Introduction to Aeronautics – A Practical Perspective (Live Virtual Offering) When Monday – Friday, July 25-29, 2022. Class will be conducted in a morning and afternoon session each of the…
[2022-03] March 21-24 Short Course | Introduction to Gas Turbine Engine Mechanical Systems: A Practical Perspective (Live Virtual Offering)
Introduction to Gas Turbine Engine Mechanical Systems: A Practical Perspective (Live Virtual Offering) When Monday-Thursday, March 21-24, 2022. Class will be conducted in two sessions each of the four days from 10:00- 1:00 and 2:00-4:00 pm using MS Teams–all times are Eastern. Computers with an operating microphone and webcam are required. Additional guidance, including instructions…
[2022-03] March 14-17 Short Course | Introduction to Aircraft Systems: A Practical Perspective (Live Virtual Offering)
Introduction to Aircraft Systems: A Practical Perspective (Live Virtual Offering) When Monday – Thursday, 14 – 17 March, 2022. Class will be conducted in a morning and afternoon session each of the four days from 9:00 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 3:00 using MS Teams–all times are Eastern. Computers with an operating microphone and webcam…
Introduction to Aeronautics – A Practical Perspective
After taking this short course, you will never look at an airplane the same again! Using design as a common thread, this course will provide a solid understanding of the basics of aeronautics and the give-and-take inherent to aircraft design.
H.G. Heinrich Parachute Systems Short Course
H.G. Heinrich Parachute Systems Virtual Short Course For more information, please contact Mary Catherine Bunde. June 7-18, 2021 Course Agenda Register Topics Speakers Contact Course NIA is pleased to present this parachute systems course organized by the AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems (ADS) Technical Committee. Its technical coordinator is Dr. Jean Potvin of St. Louis University and delivery is…
Introduction to Aeronautics – A Practical Perspective
After taking this short course, you will never look at an airplane the same again! Using design as a common thread, this course will provide a solid understanding of the basics of aeronautics and the give-and-take inherent to aircraft design.
[2019-06] June 06 Short Course | Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation with Application to Turbulent Flows
Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation with Application to Turbulent Flows Instructor: Prof. Krzysztof Fidkowski (, NIA Visiting Researcher, (University of Michigan) Date: Thursday, June 6, 2019Time: 10:00am – 2:30pmLocation: NIA, Room 101 Format: Slides and demonstrations in Octave How to join via computer/dial in: See information at the bottom of this page DescriptionAerodynamic analysis and design applications are increasingly relying on high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, which are becoming more complex as a result of advances in both hardware and algorithms. However, as simulations become more complex, so does the task of ensuring accuracy of theresults. For large, multidisciplinary problems, expert practitioners cannot reliably assess accuracy of a simulation through visual inspection alone, and best-practice meshing and verification guidelines may not apply to the analysis of novel configurations. This short course introduces output-based methods for addressing this situation by automating the process of estimating errors and improving fidelity, so that robustness of the CFD solution process can be vastly improved. Output-based methods rely on the solution of an auxiliary adjoint problem, which has already seen application to shape optimization and data assimilation. This course explores many uses of the adjoint solution for optimizing computations relevant to aerospace engineering, including steady-state mesh refinement, unstructured mesh optimization, adapting in space and time for unsteady simulations, and adapting both the mesh and approximation order in high-order methods. The course also covers the application of adaptive methods to chaotic and turbulent flows. OutlineThe short-course is divided into four modules: 1. Introduction to Output-Based Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation 2. Error Estimation and Adaptation for Unsteady Problems 3. Mesh Anisotropy and Optimization 4. Effect of Chaos and Turbulence on Error Estimation and Adaptation Several demonstration examples and codes will be presented to support the material in these modules. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet…
[2016-06] June 06-10 Short Course| H.G. Heinrich: Parachute Systems
First Announcement: H.G. Heinrich Parachute Systems Short CourseJune 6-10, 2016 Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel & Waterfront Conference Center 425 Water Street Portsmouth, Virginia 23704 Registration Registration Check-In:Registration check-in will be held 5:00pm-7:00pm on Sunday, June 5 in the Registration Desk Area on the first floor of the hotel, across from the Holley Ballroom. Please know, that if…
[2016-08] August 23-26 Short Course | C. Ariel Pinto: Risk Modeling and Analysis
Risk Modeling and Analysis Instructor: Dr. C. Ariel Pinto, Old Dominion University August 23-26, 2016 National Institute of Aerospace 100 Exploration Way, Hampton, VA 23666 (Directions) Registration: If you are interested in attending this course please contact Mary Catherine Bunde at or by calling (757) 325-6731. Course Overview: The Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) sub-Project under…
[2016-09] September 13-14 Short Course | Marco Campi: Scenario-Based Optimization: Heuristics and Certificates in Decision Making
Scenario-Based Optimization: Heuristics and Certificates in Decision Making Instructor: Dr. Marco Campi, University of Brescia (Italy) September 13 -14, 2016 National Institute of Aerospace – Room 101 100 Exploration Way, Hampton, VA 23666 (Directions) Registration: If you are interested in attending this course and/or obtaining more information as it becomes available please contact Mary Catherine…