Category: Features
Protected: NIA Research Featured in AIAA’s “50 Papers for 50 Years”
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NIA Senior Research Scientist Coordinates Response to Volcano Eruption in Kuril Islands
NIA Scientist Coordinates Response to Volcano Eruption in Kuril Islands Image Credit: Dr. Igor Smolyar, NOAA/NODC The Raikoke volcano, located in the Kuril Islands, erupted on June 21st sending ash and SO2 up into the stratosphere. Through the NASA Disaster program, John Murray (NASA’s Langley Research Center) and Jean-Paul Vernier, Senior Research Scientist at the National…
NIA Researchers Present at 9th International GEOS-Chem Meeting
NIA Researchers Present at 9th International GEOS-Chem Meeting Dr. Bo Zhang, Research Scientist, and Dr. Hongyu Liu, Research Fellow at the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA), recently presented at the 9th International GEOS-Chem Meeting, which was held at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts) May 6-9, 2019. Dr. Zhang gave a talk entitled “Model Analysis of Interannual Variability…
Protected: NIA Professor Leads Search for Life Beyond our Solar System
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NASA iTech Semifinalists Propose Unique Solutions for Space
Wearable technology was one of many areas pitched by innovators from around the world during the 2019 Cycle I of the NASA iTech competition. Here are the top 25 semifinalists selected by NASA with inventions that could benefit future crewed missions to the Moon and Mars.
Protected: Joan Harper-Neely Honored at 81st ITEEA Annual Conference
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NASA’s 2019 BIG Idea Challenge Winner Designs Best Planetary Greenhouse
Dartmouth was announced the winning team of the fourth annual Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge April 24 at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Massachusetts Institute of Technology was awarded second place. Image credit: NASA.
Protected: Revolutions in Rotorcraft Design Optimization
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Ignite the Night AUSTIN Announcement
What: Ignite the Night AUSTIN, a NASA iTech event When: March 11th from 2 – 4 p.m. CDTWhere: WeDC House, Banger’s at 79 Rainey Street, Austin, Texas Entrepreneurs, university students, the investment community, and industry partners in the Austin, Texas region have a unique chance next month to join together and not only change the world, but…
06-20-2018 | NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions
NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions – NASA iTech has selected the top three teams from 10 finalists for their innovative energy projects and ideas. The 2018 NASA iTech Cycle II Energy is a collaborative effort between NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy and is the first NASA iTech competition to focus…