06-20-2018 | NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions

NASA iTech Forum Showcases Innovators’ Top Energy Solutions

– NASA iTech has selected the top three teams from 10 finalists for their innovative energy projects and ideas.  The 2018 NASA iTech Cycle II Energy is a collaborative effort between NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy and is the first NASA iTech competition to focus on a specific topic – power and energy storage technologies.  The National Institute of Aerospace manages NASA iTech for NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.  The top three winners all had a focus area of Innovative Power Management and Distribution and are listed below in alphabetical order:

  • iFeather, Boulder, Colorado
  • Stanford University – Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford, California
  • WBGlobalSemi, Inc., Lakewood Ranch, Florida

To see the NASA feature story about the winners, visit: https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/itech/feature/Top_Energy_Solutions

For more information about NASA iTech, visit:  https://nasaitech.org/

To view the NIA Press Release, visit: http://www.nianet.org/pressreleases/nasa-itech-forum-showcases-innovators-top-energy-solutions-2/