University of Maryland Langley Distinguished Professor
Tel: +1 (757) 325-6830
Fax: +1(757) 325-6710
Email: james.baeder@nianet.org

- B.S., Rice University (Mechanical Engineering)
- M.S., Stanford University (Aeronautics and Astronautics)
- Ph.D., Stanford University (Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Research Interests
Research in computational aerodynamics and aeroacoustics with a specific interest in coupling computational fluid dynamics to comprehensive rotor analysis
- Mishra, A., Jude, D., and Baeder, J., “A GPU Accelerated Adjoint Solver for Shape Optimization”, AIAA Aviation Forum, Atlanta, GA, June 2018.
Journal Articles
- Duraisamy, K., and Baeder, J., “Implicit Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws using Non-oscillatory Reconstruction in Space and Time,” SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2007
- Duraisamy, K., Ramasamy, M., Baeder, J., and Leishman, G., “High Resolution Computational and Experimental Study of Hovering Rotor Tip Vortex Formation,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 11, Nov. 2007.
- Duraisamy, K., McCroskey, W.J., and Baeder, J.D., “Analysis of Wind Tunnel Wall Interference Effects on Subsonic Unsteady Airfoil Flows,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 44, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2007.
- Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Baeder, James, “High-Resolution Wake Capturing Methodology for Hovering Rotors,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 52, No. 2, April 2007.
- Smith, Marilyn, Wong, Tin-Chee, Potsdam, Mark, Baeder, James and Pharsee, Sujeet, “Evaluation of CFD to Determine Two- Dimensional Airfoil Characteristics for Rotorcraft Applications”, Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 2005.
- Tang, Lei and Baeder, James, “Improving Godunov-type reconstructions for simulation of vortex-dominated flows,” Journal of Computational Physics, 2005
- Hu, Hong, Jordan, Leon and Baeder, James, “Computational simulation and analysis of double-swept blade in BVI noise,” Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 36, Issue 2, February 2005, pp. 67-76.
- Sitaraman, Jayanarayanan, Iyengar, Vishnu and Baeder, James, “On the Field Velocity Approach and Geometric Conservation Law for Unsteady Flow Simulations,” AIAA Journal, 2005.
- Duraisamy, Karthikeyan and Baeder, James, “High-Resolution Wake Capturing Methodology for Hovering Rotors,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 2005.
- Datta, A., Sitaraman, J., Chopra., I., and Baeder, J., “Analysis Refinements for Prediction of Rotor Vibratory Loads in High-Speed Forward Flight,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 2005.
Conference Proceedings
- Ananthan, S., Baeder, J., Sitaraman, J., Hahn, S., and Iaccarino, G., “Hybrid Unsteady Simulation of Helicopters”, 26th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 18-21, 2008, AIAA-2008-7339.
- Silbaugh, B.. and Baeder, J., “Momentum Conserving Coupling for Partitioned Computational Aeromechanic Analysis”, 26th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 18-21, 2008, AIAA-2008-6239.
- Lakshminararyan, V., and Baeder, J., “Further Investigation of Micro Hovering Rotor Aerodynamics Using Time Accurate Computations”, 64th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada April 29-May 1, 2008.
- Ananthan, S., Baeder, J., “Prediction and validation of Loads on Bearingless Rotors Using a Coupled CFD-CSD Methodology”, 64th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada April 29-May 1, 2008.
- Bush, B., and Baeder, J., “Force Production Mechanisms of a Flapping MAV Wing”, AHS International Specialists’ Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 23–25, 2008.
- Lakshminararyan, V., and Baeder, J., “High-Resolution Computational Investigation of Trimmed Coaxial Rotor Aerodynamics in Hover”, AHS International Specialists’ Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 23–25, 2008.
- Silbaugh, B., and Baeder, J., “Coupled CFD/CSD Analysis of a Maneuvering Rotor Using Staggered and Time-Accurate Coupling Schemes”, AHS International Specialists’ Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 23–25, 2008.
- Jose, A., Mishra, A., and Baeder, J., “An Investigation into the Aerodynamics of Trailing Edge Flaps with Overhang and Gap”, AHS International Specialists’ Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 23–25, 2008.
- Lakshminarayan, V., and Baeder, J., “Computational Investigation of Micro Hovering Rotor Aerodynamics,” AHS Internationalist Specialist Meeting on Unmanned Rotorcraft, Chandler, AZ, January 2007.
- K. Duraisamy, J. Sitaraman, J. D. Baeder, “High-Resolution Wake Capturing Methodology for Improved Rotor Aerodynamic Computations,” 61st Annual Forum of AHS, June, 2005.
- Sitaraman, J., Datta, A., Baeder, J. D. and Chopra, I., “Coupled CFD/CSD Prediction of Aerodynamic and Structural Dynamic Loads for Three Critical Flight Conditions,” Presented at the 31st European Rotorcraft Forum, Florence, Italy, Sept 13-15, 2005.
- Gupta, V., and Baeder, J.D., “Quad Tilt Rotor Aerodynamics in Forward Flight,” 61st Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, Grapevine, Texas, June 2005.
- Schroeder, E., and Baeder, J.D., “Using Computational Fluid Dynamics for Micro-Air Vehicle Airfoil Validation and Prediction,” (AIAA-2005-4841) 23rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 6-9, 2005.
- Duraisamy, K., and Baeder, J.D., “Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Spanwise Blowing on Wing-Tip Vortex Formation and Evolution,” (AIAA-2005-4726) 23rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 6-9, 2005.
Prof. Baeder joined NIA in FY18 as one of three UMD Associate Langley Professors and now continues as one of the two UMD Distinguished Langley Professors. He joined the Aerospace Engineering Department of the University of Maryland in the fall of 1993 and is associated with the Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center. He is based at the University of Maryland campus in College Park, MD, and visits NIA and NASA Langley approximately eight times per year for one or two days at a time as well as an extended stay in the summer.
Dr. Baeder’s students present in NIA’s CFD Seminar Series. Baeder recruited a new part-time student in the Hampton area, Chris Thurman, who started taking coursework in the Spring of 2018. His recent Langley Professor work has consisted in the development of a novel GPU-based Implicit Time Marching Computational Fluid Dynamics Adjoint Solver, believed to be the first ever, which was presented at the AIAA Aviation Forum in June 2018.
Dr. Baeder was selected to be a Technical Fellow of the American Helicopter Society at the Annual Forum in May 2018 at Phoenix, AZ. He was selected for his many contributions in Rotorcraft Computational Fluid Dynamics including the development of new methods and their applications to interactional aerodynamics along with coupling to structural dynamics and aeroacoustics.
He was also the advisor for the UMD team, Kwatee, that came in first place in the undergraduate category of the American Helicopter Design Competition. A presentation by a team member will be made at the AHS Forum in May 2019, which is scheduled to be held in Philadelphia, PA.