- Ph.D., University of Wyoming, 2009
- M.S., Hebei University of Technology, China, 2003
- B.S., Hebei University of Technology, China, 2000
Work Experience
- Senior Research Engineer, National Institute of Aerospace, 2015-Present
- Joint Researcher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2014-2015
- Research Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 2009-2015
- Visiting Researcher, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2008-2008
- Research Assistant, University of Wyoming, 2004-2009
Research Areas/Expertise
- Multidisciplinary sensitivity analysis and design optimization
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and comprehensive analysis (CA) coupled rotorcraft analysis
- Fluid structure interactions
- High-order discontinuous Galerkin methods
- Adjoint-based error estimation and adaptive mesh adaptation
- Aeroacoustic and electromagnetic simulations and design
- Turbulent flow modeling
- High performance computing
Current Research
Multidisciplinary Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization for Rotorcraft Applications
Rotorcraft analysis involves many disciplines such as aerodynamics, acoustics, structural dynamics, flight mechanics, and others to account for complex interactions of unsteady fluids with highly flexible rotor blades. Computationally-intensive, high-fidelity discipline models are needed to accurately represent complex physics associated with rotorcraft aeromechanics. Multidisciplinary analysis and optimization (MDAO) become especially challenging in the presence of many design variables. Adjoint-based discretely-consistent methodologies provide rigorous and efficient means to evaluate sensitivity of a desired objective function computed using high-fidelity physics-based methods to many design variables. The research effort aims at developing a high-fidelity, adjoint-based, MDAO tool to aid in the design of low-noise rotorcraft configurations.
Development of Multidisciplinary Sensitivity Analysis for Rotorcraft Comprehensive Analysis Code
Gradient-based optimization of rotorcraft simulations has been a focus of study in the rotorcraft community. This work has been centered on developing a complex-variable perturbation approach to assess structural sensitivities for a nonlinear flexible multibody dynamics solver, DYMORE, and developing an integrated framework to interface with adjoint-based CFD sensitivities. The sensitivities of structural responses with respect to different airload components are computed in parallel in a high-performance computing environment. The integrated multidisciplinary sensitivity analysis system accounts for sensitivities from multibody structural dynamics, and unsteady, turbulent flow on dynamically deforming overset grids. A discretely consistent adjoint-based CFD/CA system is an ongoing research effort to enhance the overall MDAO efficiency, and furthermore, to apply the coupled system to maneuvering rotorcraft optimization.
L. Wang, B. Diskin, L. V. Lopes, E. J. Nielsen, E. Lee-Rausch and R. T. Biedron, “High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Low-Noise Rotorcraft,” The Vertical Flight Society’s 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Accepted, 2019.
L. Wang, B. Diskin, R. Biedron, E. Nielsen, V. Sonneville, and O. Bauchau, “High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Sensitivity Analysis Framework for Multipoint Rotorcraft Optimization”, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA 2019-1699, San Diego, CA, 2019.
L. Wang, B. Diskin, R. Biedron, E. Nielsen, V. Sonneville, and O. Bauchau, “High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Methodology with Application to Rotor Blades”, Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Accepted, Dec. 2018.
L. Wang, B. Diskin, R. Biedron, E. Nielsen, and O. Bauchau, “High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization for Rotorcraft Applications”, AIAA Journal, Dec. 2018, doi.org/10.2514/1.J056587.
L. Wang, B. Diskin, R. Biedron, E. Nielsen, V. Sonneville, and O. Bauchau, “High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Methodology with Application to Rotor Blades”, AHS Specialists’ Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Transformative Vertical Flight, San Francisco, CA, 2018.
T. Liu, L. Wang, S. Karman and C. Hilbert, “Automatic 2D High-order Viscous Mesh Generation by Spring-Field and Vector-Adding”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 3072-3084, 2017.
A. Callejo, O. Bauchau, B. Diskin and L. Wang, “Sensitivity Analysis of Beam Cross-Section Stiffness Using Adjoint Method, ASME’s 13th International Conference on Multibody Systems”, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), 2017.
L. Wang, B. Diskin, R. Biedron, E. Nielsen, and O. Bauchau, “Sensitivity Analysis of Multidisciplinary Rotorcraft Simulations”, AIAA 2017-1670, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TX, 2017.
T. Liu, L. Wang, S. Karman and C. B. Hilbert, “Automatic 2D High-order Viscous Mesh Generation by Spring-Field and Vector-Adding”, AIAA 2016-1673, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2016
L. Wang, W. K. Anderson and T. Erwin, “A High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Computation of Turbulent Flows”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 1159-1171, 2015.
L. Wang, W. K. Anderson and L. Taylor, “Multiscale Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Using High-Order Finite Element Methods”, AIAA 2014-3211, 7th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2014.
L. Wang, W. K. Anderson, T. Erwin and S. Kapadia, “Discontinuous Galerkin and Petrov Galerkin Methods for Compressible Viscous Flows”, Computers and Fluids, 100, pp. 13-29, 2014.
T. Erwin, W. K. Anderson, L. Wang and S. Kapadia, “High-order Finite Element Method for Three-Dimensional Turbulent Navier-Stokes”, AIAA Journal, 2014.
W. K. Anderson, L. Wang, J. Newman, S. Kapadia, “Extension of the Petrov-Galerkin Time-Domain Algorithm for Dispersive Media”, IEEEMicrowave And Components Letters, 23 (5), pp. 234-236, 2013.
T. Erwin, W. K. Anderson, S. Kapadia and L. Wang, “Three Dimensional Stabilized Finite Elements for Compressible Navier-Stokes”, AIAA Journal, 51(6), pp. 1404-1419, 2013.
L. Wang, W. K. Anderson, T. Erwin and S. Kapadia, “High-order Methods for Solutions of Three-dimensional Turbulent Flows”, AIAA 2013-0856, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2013.
T. Erwin, W. K. Anderson, L. Wang and S. Kapadia, “High-order Finite-Element Method for Three-Dimensional Turbulent Navier-Stokes”, AIAA 2013-2571, 21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2013.
R. Glasby, N. Burgess, W. K. Anderson, L. Wang, S. Allmaras and D.J. Mavriplis, “Comparison of SU/PG and DG Finite-Element Techniques for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Anisotropic Unstructured Meshes”, AIAA 2013-0691, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2013.
L. Wang and W. K. Anderson, “Shape Sensitivity Analysis for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations Via Discontinuous Galerkin Methods”, Computers & Fluids, 69, pp. 93-107, 2012.
L. Wang, W. K. Anderson, T. Erwin and S. Kapadia, “Solutions of High-order Methods for Three-dimensional Compressible Viscous Flows”, AIAA 2012-2836, 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2012.
L. Wang and W. K. Anderson, “Sensitivity Analysis for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations Using A Discontinuous Galerkin Method”, AIAA 2011-3408, 20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2011.
T. Erwin, W. K. Anderson, S. Kapadia and L. Wang, “Three Dimensional Stabilized Finite Elements for Compressible Navier-Stokes”, AIAA 2011-3411, 20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2011.
W. K. Anderson, L. Wang, S. Kapadia, C. Tannis and B. Hilbert, “Petrov-Galerkin and Discontinuous-Galerkin Methods for Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Simulations”, Journal of Computational Physics,230 (23), pp. 8360-8385, 2011.
L. Wang and W. K. Anderson, “Adjoint Based Shape Optimization for Electromagnetic Problems Using Discontinuous Galerkin Methods”, AIAA Journal, 49 (6), pp. 1302-1305, 2011.
L. Wang, D.J. Mavriplis and W. K. Anderson, “Unsteady Discrete Adjoint Formulation for High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations in Time-dependent Flow Problems”, AIAA 2010-0367, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2010.
L. Wang, D.J. Mavriplis and W. K. Anderson, “Adjoint Sensitivity Formulation for Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations in Unsteady Inviscid Flow Problems”, AIAA Journal, 48 (12), pp. 2867-2883, 2010.
L. Wang and D.J. Mavriplis, “Adjoint-based h-p Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Compressible Euler Equations”, AIAA 2009-952, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2009.
D.J. Mavriplis, C. Nastase, K. Shahbazi, L. Wang and N. Burgess, “Progress in High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Aerospace Applications”, AIAA 2009-0601, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2009.
L. Wang and D.J. Mavriplis, “Adjoint-based h-p Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the 2D Compressible Euler Equations”, Journal of Computational Physics, 228 (20), pp. 7643-7661, 2009.
L. Wang and D.J. Mavriplis, “Implicit Solution of the Unsteady Euler Equations for High-order Accurate Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations”, Journal of Computational Physics, 225 (2), pp. 1994-2015, 2007.
L. Wang and D.J. Mavriplis, “Implicit Solution of the Unsteady Euler Equations for High-order Accurate Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations”, AIAA 2006-0109, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2006.
L. Wang, Y. Yu and P. Li, “Efficient Low-pollution Submerged Combustion and Application to Burners”, Energy Conservation,Issue 10, 2002.
P. Li, L. Wang and Y. Yu, “Application of Evaporative Cooling Techniques in Transformers”, Transformer,39 (10), 2002.