Edward Hogge
Computer Engineer
Tel: (757) 864-4599

- BS, College of William and Mary, 1977
Work Experience
- Computer Engineer, National Institute of Aerospace, TEAMS3 LRC, 2017-present
- Software Engineer, Northrop Grumman Technology Services, TEAMS2 LRC, 2012-2017
- Scientific Systems Analyst Staff, Lockheed Martin Information Services & Global Services, TEAMS LRC, 2008-2012
- Computer Systems Analyst Staff, Lockheed Martin Mission Services, LRC, 2005-2008
- Computer Systems Analyst, Lockheed Martin Space Operations, LRC, 1989-2005
- Programmer/Analyst, Planning Research Corporation, LRC, 1984-1989
- Senior Programmer, Wyle Laboratories, LRC, 1979-1989
Research Areas/Expertise
- Designed and execution of subscale model flight tests of research software and electronics hardware to verify Battery Health Management prognostic algorithms with NASA Ames researchers
- Developed an on-board data acquisition hardware and software for subscale electric fixed-wing vehicles for various research prototype applications.
- Integrated control and display software for mobile ground control station for jet turbine subscale commercial transport control upset experiments at Wallops Island test range
- Implemented a reduced order simulation of a commercial transport for testing of a flight control computer under accelerated lifetime radiation-induced computer upsets
- Real-time control software for telerobotic research robots
- Laser Doppler Velocimetry software
- Wind tunnel data acquisition software
Current Research
Battery Prognostics for multirotor UAVs and fixed wing UAVs.
Support of aviation safety research through the implementation of electronic systems for subscale remotely piloted aircraft and through commercial aircraft simulation.
Motor Health Prognostics for multirotor UAVs.
Measure motor health parameters and display to the operator to aid in situation awareness of vehicle status.
Adaptation of certifiable code for multirotor UAVs battery prognostics.
Adapt standardized, generic, certifiable code from the satellite control software domain for use in small UAVS.
Hogge, E.F., Bole, B.M, Vazquez, S.L., Kulkarni, C.S., Strom, T.H, Hill, B.L., Smalling, K.M., and Quach, C.C., “Verification of Prognostic Algorithms to Predict Remaining Flying Time for Electric Unmanned Vehicles”, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, Vol. 9 (021), 24 May 2018
Hogge, E.F., Kulkarni, C.S., Vazquez, S.L., Kulkarni, C.S., Smalling, K.M., Strom, T.H, and Quach, C.C., , “Flight tests of a Remaining Flying Time Prediction System for Electric Aircraft in the Presence of Faults”, Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, October 2017, St. Petersburg, FL
Gorospe, G.E., Kulkarni, C.S., Hogge, E.F., Hsu, A., and Ownby, N., “A Study of the Degradation of Electronic Speed Controllers for Brushless DC Motors”, Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, July 2017, Jeju, Korea
Kulkarni, C.S., Gorospe, G.E., Teubert, C., Quach, C.C., Hogge, E.F., Darafsheh, K., A Virtual Laboratory for Aviation and Airspace Prognostics Research, AIAA SciTech Forum, Grapevine, TX, January 2017
Kulkarni, C.S.; Hogge, E.F., Quach, C.C.; and Goebel, K.; “HIRF Battery Data Set”, NASA Ames Prognostics Data Repository (http://ti.arc.nasa.gov/project/prognostic-data-repository), NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA (2016)
Hogge, E. F., Bole, B. M., Vazquez, S.L, Celaya, J. R., Strom, T. H., Hill, B. L., Smalling, K. M., Quach, C. C., Verification of a Remaining Flying Time Prediction System for Small Electric Aircraft, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, San Diego, CA, October 2015
Bole, B.M., Teubert, C., Quach, C.C., Hogge, E.F., Vazquez, S.L., Goebel, K., and Vachtsevanos, G., SIL/HIL Replication of Electric Aircraft Powertrain Dynamics and Inner-Loop Control for V&V of System Health Management Routines, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, New Orleans, LA, October 2013
Eure, K.W.; Quach, C. C.; Vazquez, S. L.; Hogge, E. F.; Hill, B. L.,(2013) An Application of UAV Attitude Estimation Using a Low-Cost Inertial Navigation System, NASA/TM-2013-218144
Quach, C.C., Bole, B.M., Hogge, E.F., Vazquez, S.L., Daigle, M., Celaya, J., Weber, A., and Goebel, K., Battery Charge Depletion Prediction on an Electric Aircraft, Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, New Orleans, LA, 503-512, October 2013.
Eure, K.W.; Hogge, E. F.; Quach, C. C.; Vazquez, S.L., Russell, A.; Hill, B. L.,(2012) Applications of Fault Detection in Vibrating Structures, NASA/TM-2012-217779
Ely, J.J.; Koppen, S.V.; Nguygen, T.X.; Dudley, K.L.;Szatkowski, G.N.; Quach, C.C.; Vazquez, S.L.; Mielnik, J.J.; Hogge, E.F.; Hill, B.L.; Strom, T.H., (2011), Radiated Emissions From a Remote-Controlled Airplane – Measured in a Reverberation Chamber, NASA/TM-2011-217146
Saha, B., Koshimoto, E.P., Quach, C.C., Hogge, E.F., Strom, T.H., Hill, B.L., Vazquez, S.L., and Goebel, K., Predicting Battery Life for Electric UAVs, Proceedings of AIAA Infotech@Aerospace Conference, St. Louis, MO, March 2011.
Hogge, E. F., Quach, C. C., & Hill, B. L. (2011). A data system for a rapid evaluation class of subscale aerial vehicle, NASA/TM-2011-217145.
Saha, B., Koshimoto, E.P., Quach, C.C., Hogge, E.F., Strom, T.H., Hill, B.L., Vazquez, S.L., and Goebel, K., Battery Health Management System for Electric UAVs, Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, March 2011.
Hogge, E.F., Lockheed Martin Corporation, Hampton, VA (2004). B-737 Linear Autoland Simulink Model, NASA/CR-2004-213021.
Willshire, K., Harrison, F.W., Hogge, E.F., Williams, R.L., and Soloway, D., (1992), Results of Telerobotic Hand Controller Study Using Force Information and Rate Control, AIAA 92-1451.
Harrison, F.W., Soloway, D., Williams, R.L., and Hogge, E.F., (1992) Natural Transition from Rate to Force Control of a Manipulator, AIAA 92-1452.
Dillon, J.L., Monta, W.J., and Hogge, E.F., (1986) Application of an Electronically Scanned Pressure Measurement System in a Hypersonic Wind Tunnel, Supersonic Tunnel Association, Albuquerque, NM