The National Institute of Aerospace Foundation was established in 2007 as a 501(c) 3 non-profit Virginia corporation by the National Institute of Aerospace. The Foundation serves as the Institute’s philanthropic arm by actively supporting the Institute’s mission of conducting leading-edge aerospace and atmospheric research, developing new technologies for the nation and helping to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. The Foundation is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. Our Trustees are committed to supporting the on-going mission of the Institute.
Donors are invited to give gifts to the NIA Foundation that support the Institute’s mission and also obtain tax benefits in accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia and United States tax laws. All funds are managed by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and are used for the benefit of the Institute, while honoring any restrictions placed on them by the donor. Gift funds are audited annually and invested prudently by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, with the mandate to ensure the integrity of the Foundation through accountability and transparency in dealings. Donors can give gifts of cash, securities or real estate, which can be used to fund either an endowment or a current use account.
- Current use gifts – Current use or expendable gifts cover a broad range of uses and are given with the expectation that they will be used in the near future. They also include the “annual funds” that provide discretionary support to the Institute. A gift can be either restricted or unrestricted. A restricted gift provides you the donor the right to specify how your gift will be used by the Foundation. An unrestricted gift is given by you the donor with no conditions on how the Foundation may use it.
- Endowments – A donor may decide to establish an endowment that will provide on-going funding support to the Institute. Typically, an endowment is given with the expectation that only the earnings on the principal will be used to meet the donor’s philanthropic intent.
- Planned gifts – The Foundation also oversees planned gifts for those donors who wish to include the Foundation in their estate plans. Please contact the Foundation below so that we may coordinate your planned gift with your estate planner.
For your convenience, you may donate using checks, credit cards or debit cards. Please indicate on the check or accompanying letter the gift’s purpose. Click the button below to make donations using a credit or debit card. Donors will be redirected to a secure payment page.
For questions about gift-giving to the Foundation, please e-mail foundation@nianet.org or contact the National Institute of Aerospace at (757) 325-6700.